Moon light Hunt, and Glowing Ghosts

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If one phrase could describe what Captain Scarlet was dealing with at the current moment, is pure logistical chaos, because not even a day after the attack on the NCR base caused the small sleepy town of NOVAC to be quickly turned into a impromptu M.A.S.H. unit as Medics both local and flown in were working quickly as they could to save wounded NCR troopers or in some rare cases those in critical condition. 

Of course this did get some good reputation with both the NCR and Locals but that still didnt stop the current issues that were being brought to her that was starting to pile up.

"Kasevac are preparing to transport across gate. We Our job is to stabilize and get them ready to transport. Humvees are on their way from Americana. NCR are going to join them, and receive care on our side." The Medic, who was named "John Crow".

Scarlet who was currently sitting on a stack of tires, next to the Marquis the sign reading 'No Vac' sighs as she drinks from her camel back. 

"That's good, thank god we made it in time when we did or else their would be a lot more bodies to fill bags with." she says looking out at the wounded troopers that are either limping or laying about under the shade of what look to be an old gas station.

"We still have to figure out what killed the cow. We have people looking around the area. Current bets are somewhere between a robot, or some junkie that has a minigun. Betting pool is fairly large Side bets a blunderbuss and the crazy guy thinks it's a Chupacabra with a machinegun." John explained.

Scarlet just groans as she is currently rubbing her temples with both her hands, "alright, send a request to command to get us some thermals. Because I don't want us getting any surprises from this wild wasteland." She says before standing up from her seat before she says, "anything else to report before I go find myself a bed." only to look around as she hears some weird whistling that she plays off as the wind.

They pair watched as a tumble weed rolled between them.

"You know, there were a few people who said that happens when you say Wild wasteland, and hear the whistling on the wind." John said, before a tumble weed bumped into him, and a whistle was played again.

"Doesn't work on everyone it seems." John said, stepping on the tumble weed.

John Crow would walk to the tent, and radio into Americana, that on one of the trips, they were to bring Thermals, Night Vision, various types of sights with, so that the Path finders could test them out in the region.

A great thumping sound could be heard all around the area of NOVAC, and as the residents of the town looked around for it one resident knew those sounds, granted they weren't the Vertibirds that she flew when she was younger. But one never forgets the thump thump thump of rotor blades, and as they grew closer, she could see the black dots in the distance getting closer and closer, and it brought a small tear to her old wisened eye, these whole strangers did. The country she had always heard about was now here in force, and she couldnt be happier, she privately wondered what old Lieutenant Gannon would have thought about this, hell she wondered what the rest of her old squad would think about this, but still if they ever would need her she would help them in any way she could she owed her country that much.

The rest of the town while they had heard about the helicopters this US Army had they had not seen any, until now, and as they saw them land and start loading up wounded NCR Troopers and after loading up as any as they could they took off, back towards little Americana.

The Old lady would approach Scarlet.

"Hello dear. My name is Daisy Whitman. I saw those....vertibirds you loaded those boys into. You happen to be part of the Old Government? Or....Associated with them?" She asked.

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