Primm (Improved/Extended)

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The squad walked down the hill, and turned down the road, heading north. Mark was looking at an map made by the NCR of the "Mojave territory". Primm was the next location near by. They drove past a road post, and got shot at by people who took cover from behind a simple building with cars on the side of the road.

"Heads down! Stop the Truck. Leon, on the gun. Pin those Hostiles down with burst fire. Mark, bogies front! Take them out! Sophia, Help Mark. Ethan with me!" Sargant Wells said, as he opened the door and fired a few carefully aimed shots, as he took cover behind the humvee. As the flanking movement took place, Wells and Ethan were able to take down the 2 that were pinned down. 

As the hostiles were dealt with, they heard a growling noise. Looking around, the soldiers waited, before they heard the bushes rustling. Turning, they saw a humanoid like creature with emaciated limbs running at them. It leapt at the Sargent, who blocked with the gun and threw it to the ground, but actually threw it into the wall. The creature growled, staggering to get up and tried to attack again, but was pushed down and Wells shot the creature in it's head.

"What the hell is that?" Leon asked.

"Looks like a zombie." Mark said.

"What do we do with it?" Ethan asked.

"Leave it, Sophia, with me, we're clearing this building." Sabastian said.

Sophia reloaded and walked to the door. As they waited, Sabastian drew a flashbang, and threw it. It exploded and the two rushed in, seeing two people stumbling, holding guns. One had a pistol, the other held an M79 grenade launcher. Sophia and Sabastian shot both of them and then walked in, before a large mantis got close, and was smashed by Sabastian. As they walked in further, they found what a holding cell, filled with the large mantis, and a dead body getting eaten.

The bugs were shot and killed, before they walked out. The team took out body bags, and marked each one, 5 Does total, and one zombie. 

"HQ to Recon, do you hear me?" Sebastian asked.

"Coming in clear recon, report?" the radio said.

"We have explored statues, outpost of government known as New California Republic. Recommend Observation of Location.  Moved north from interchange, encounter wild life and hostile forces, 3 Johns, 2 Janes and a walking corpse. Moving onto Location marked Primm. Over."

"Understood Recon. Proceed with caution. Over and out."

The Humvee started up, and drove up the road, and passed under a bridge, and then turned on the road.

"Hey, it's dangerous, best you head back where you came from." a soldier said, looking at the group rather surprised.

"We are here to solve the problems here." Sabastian said.

"F-F-fine. The command tent is " the soldier said.

Sabastian, Sophia, and Ethan walked out, and looked across the bridge.

"Mines. Let's radio back to HQ. This could be a bit difficult to deal with." Sabastian said.

He pulled out a monocular and looked across the road, seeing two people walking across the road. Sophia and Ethan stayed with him.

"Where do you think the people are?" Sophia asked.

"If that side was taken over by criminals, most likely dead." Ethan said.

Mark and Leon walked to a few tents set up on the side of town.

"Who are you? Mercenaries? Reinforcements?" the guy asked.

"US Army." Mark said.

"Huh, I thought they were disbanded when the world went to hell, you must be remnants, so, you're leader must have been a ghoul, or you've been in a bunker for ages. Well, welcome to the hell scape known as the Mojave, this blasted shit hole is the desired 6th state of the NCR. Here we have Primm, on this side, is us, the NCR forces that are under staffed to do anything, on the other side, bunch of convicts whos taken over the town, held up in the bison Steve hotel." the man said.

"Why haven't you cleared them out?" Mark asked.

"Haven't gotten the men or the orders, besides, from what we can tell, they got explosives, and we don't." the man said.

"Why can't you get more reinforcements?" Leon asked.

"Mojave outpost is having just as many issues with the caravans and people coming and going that they git their hands full, and with quarry junction blocked, we don't have any way to get them from other locations." the commander explained

"What about those mines? Got anything to deal with them?" Leon asked.

"Tires. That's what we have been using, roll a tire over them, easy enough, got a bunch of them." the soldier said.

Leon and Mark walked over, before they took a tire and rolled it over, before taking cover behind the make shift cover. The tire hit the mine and exploded, launching the tire up and dropping into the hole in the road. 

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Sebastian shouted.

"Dealing with the mines." Leon said.

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