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The sound of a radios crackle could be heard in a tent as the voice of America Mell is heard, "AMERICA MELL HERE! And it is HOT! HOT! HOT! I'm talking up in the big NINE ZERO HOT! So if your thinking of walking out in that sun you better carry that water, your sun screen and a traveling buddy because i personally wouldn't want to be caught out in this damn heat!" Soon a ruffling of paper could be heard as she continues, "Now onto the most boring part of the day or you favorite part, NEWS!"

"The Followers and the United States military are happy to announce it's "House call" program. If you have someone injured in your town, just get on the Ham Radio, tune that dial to the emergency frequency, and tell us where you are, and we will have a follower and some medics on their way. Just be warned, if you shoot at doc, there will not be much to find because, every soldier like doc."

The followers listening chuckle as their little operation was now a full blown hospital thanks to the aid and doctors that were sent to the ole Mormon fort as Mell continues her news, "Onto more good news! If your a trader or just want a taste of that pure American dream pie? THEN HEAD ON DOWN TO LITTLE AMERICANA! The fastest growing town! Now with that advert out of the way onto the real news." Her voice gets a littler serious, "A raid was conducted recently by some rogue elements of the legions war hawk faction, after the raid was sent home crying with their tails between their legs, Senator Pompey released this statement." She then played a recorded message which was sent to them from said man.

Pompey cleared his throat before he began speaking.

"To those that were affected, I can only give my apologize to those harmed. The actions of Centurion Durus was horrendous. My attempts to calm the conflict have been strained, and I do wish for further chances to begin talks. I can not begin to apologize for the people harmed in Nelson, or Camp Searchlight. I believe those responsible should be held accountable, for they are not what Caesar's Republic is about. We want to help bring peace to these lands." Pompey explained, his voice was filled with sadness and regret, "Once we find those who took part in the raid that left an NCR patrol harmed, we will deal with them properly, according to the laws made by Caesar."

Mell was heard as she adds, "While the NCR has of course made their comments, General Rothchild has agreed that further talks are needed and has even offered that such talks will happen when things begin to cool down. Now onto some news of NEW BLOOD! Or at least reinforcements coming into the majove!"

"We got the people who take pride in being the first ones in, and the last ones out, this is just a rumor that your girls picked up, but, Path finders. I'd bet they'd be happy to be traveling here. Now, let's get onto the next song for the day!"

A month since the request was filed, the Path finders arrived. Captain Ahote of the Pathfinders rode in on his horse, leading his horse. His Company was selected to go into the Mojave, and given a few tasks basically. The first was to travel north, along the roads to the east and west, basically to map the region, and mark any special locations they encounter.

A group of soldiers drove to the intersection, at the bottom of the hill leading up the the NCR outpost. A soldier picked up a sledge hammer, and drove two posts into the ground, before a metallic sign was put up. On it read the following.

"Now entering American DMZ, NCR soldiers and civilians are allowed to travel along roads, but upon entering Primm, Good springs, or Americana will be asked to hand over weapons, or keep weapons empty of ammunition. The route along I-15 has been cleared of threats, and is cleared for travel. The US forces are on patrol in the designated regions, from the NCRCF to Americana and from United States Outpost 1, to Ranger Outpost Charlie. Any hostile action taken against military personnel, will be met with force."

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