Part 3

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Arnav reached home, changed and went straight to bed.. the entire night he couldn't stop thinking about her.. he wanted to see her again.. who was she? Why was she affecting him this much? He had many questions but answers.. none.. he finally dozed off at 4:00am thinking about her..


Few hours back: engagement party:

Khushi was enjoying the party thoroughly.. she was dancing in middle of a her friends.. and karan was busy clicking her pictures and cheering for her.. after dancing for a while.. she saw karan waving her phone at her.. gesturing her that her phone was ringing.. Khushi went to the other corner of the party where karan was and answered her phone.. it was her mom asking her when would she be back As it was quite late.. telling her mom that she's coming soon.. she asked karan to drop her home..


Next day: AR office:

It was early morning and Arnav had not yet reached the office.. Aman had already placed Khushi's picture on Arnav's desk in a white envelope..

Meanwhile.. Arnav's secretary Tina came to Arnav's cabin with the new models file.. Which had a picture in a white envelope of the new model which was supposed to be appointed by AR.. While placing the file on Arnav's desk she dropped the file by mistake which she was holding and the envelope with Khushi's picture too.. she bent down and picked the file and both the envelopes.. before she could place the envelopes in their respective places.. she heard Arnav climbing the stairs to his cabin.. in fear of getting scolded by Arnav seeing her  early in the morning in his cabin.. Without checking she placed one envelope in the model file and the other on his desk. She then left the cabin before Arnav entered in..

Arnav entered his cabin with Aman following behind..

Aman: ASR..  I have placed the envelope with the picture on your desk.. 

Arnav looked at him confused..

Aman: Khushi Gupta's picture.. ASR

That's when Arnav remembered that he had asked for Khushi Gupta's picture.. Nodding at aman in acknowledgement he asked Aman to leave..

Aman left the cabin..

Removing his coat and placing it on the chair.. Arnav took his seat.. he dint know what was wrong with him.. he was so engrossed in that engagement girls thoughts that he started forgetting things.. Taking a deep breath he planned on focusing on Khushi Gupta.. He wanted to see his ex fiancee..Opening the envelop he took the picture out of the envelope..

seeing the picture Arnav was surprised.. Khushi Gupta was nowhere to the image which he had imagined hearing her name yesterday morning.. this girl in the picture was completely opposite.. but he knew that Aman cannot make a mistake.. So accepting the girl in the picture as Khushi Gupta he kept the envelope in his desk drawer..

he dint know what to do with Khushi Gupta.. he just wanted to see her picture.. but seeing her today dint really make a difference to him.. Instead he was busy recalling the girl from the engagement last night.. Her milky white skin.. Her smiling face.. her innocent eyes.. her deep belly button.. her silky belly.. he had watched her very keenly while she danced.. not a figure to forget so easily..  Arnav dint know what was happening.. he had never been attracted to any other girl the way he was attracted to her.. What was this? Just attraction or something more?


Night club:

Arnav was in the night club in a corner table having drinks with his new model Ayesha when he saw khushi again..  she was wearing a blue tight jeans with peach color off shoulder top.. looking beautiful.. Arnav couldn't believe his eyes.. he never knew he will see her so soon.. she was here with a group of her friends.. having fun.. Arnav could see her clearly from where he was sitting..

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