Part 34

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khushi and Nikhil both rolled on the tracks sides were the road was clear and no bikes were passing.. the whole crowd stood up worried about them.. the medics were called and khushi and nikhil both were taken to the nursing room..
they had jumped just in time and hence had no major injuries.. both had minor injuries.. nikhil had wore the helmet when he jumped so he was not hurt on the head.. he was just hurt on his right knee and and left hand.. but khushi had removed the helmet and thus had a wound on her forehead and right elbow..

Garima along with Anjali, payal and ishani rushed to the nursing room.. and Garima immediately hugged her children..

Garima: what the hell is wrong with you two? why did you jump out of the bike?

khushi: the breaks had failed mom.. so we had no option but to jump..

Anjali: you both okay?

khushi: yeah di.. we're fine..

the medics bandaged both the siblings and after having their shower and changing their clothes.. khushi had no extra clothes.. so she wore ishani's spare dress that she had got in her bag.. it was a bit loose for khushi as it was not her size.. though she wore it and was comfortable in it..

the manager came in to check on khushi and Nikhil and informed them that they had jumped out of the bike after crossing the finishing line and so they have won the race.. they both were happy that their effort was not gone in vain.. the manager handed them the trophy and finally they all started for home..

Anjali moved aside and called Arnav.. Letting him know that khushi was fine and they were heading home.. He too should straight come home.. She also told him how khushi participated instead of ishani and how she and Nikhil jumped due to break fail.. Anjali knew that Arnav' s office was far.. Plus it was 2pm so there must be a lot of traffic on the way.. Him coming to the track will take time.. So she asked him to straight come home..

They had all reached home now.. Garima wanted to be with khushi too as she too was injured but Nikhil was tired and wanted to go home.. so not having a choice she reluctantly headed home with Nikhil.. Khushi was now in her room with Anjali and payal.. Maya, Dadi and Nani were not at home as they had been to a satsang..

Arnav drove his suv in full speed and entered the gates of RM.. he was damn worried.. all the way from his office to home he had got various thoughts of losing khushi.. he had a calmed down a bit when he was informed by Anjali that khushi was fine.. though not fully... but it had surely stopped those images of losing his khushi.. he parked his and moved inside.. and was informed by hp that the ladies had arrived and were in his room.. he rushed to his room before hp could even finish what he was saying..

khushi was talking to payal and Anjali Sharing her racing experience when Arnav barged inside like a volcano.. worry written all over his face.. khushi was scared seeing Arnav here.. he was supposed to be at the office.. what was he doing here?

he saw khushi sitting on the bed in a dress which was not her size.. and her forehead and arm bandaged.. sighing in relief he immediately rushed to her taking his place next to her he took her in a bone crushing hug.. kissing her neck.. She hugged him back in fear.. did he come to know that she had been to the race? and not only that.. participated too?? if yes then she was going to be in HUGE trouble...

before she could ask him anything.. Arnav pulled back from the hug and the worry and concern he had before was now all gone.. the only thing khushi saw in his eyes was rage.. pure rage..

Khushi gulped with a scared look on her face.. he came dangerously close to her with his hands on the headboard.. pinning her in between him and the headboard.. his eyes throwing daggers at her..

Arnav: (with gritted teeth) I had asked you to stay at home, hadn't I?

khushi looked at him and the looked down not replying to him..

Arnav: im asking you something damn it! Answer me!

khushi was hell scared by Arnav's anger.. Up till now, she had only seen the good, romantic and sweet Arnav.. but today.. she was looking at ASR.. at his best.. all raged up and pissed off.. She blinked her eyes rapidly.. trying her best to calm her erratic beating heart... Anjali saw this and tried to break the tension between the two of them..

Anjali: chote.. enough of this.. she's back and she's fine now.. stop scolding her..

Arnav turned to Anjali with anger still blazing in his eyes..

Arnav: you don't interfere in this di..

He said this and turned his head back towards Khushi... Who was in deep thinking as to how he found out about her going to the race and getting injured..

The only people who knew were her mom, nikhil, Payal and Anjali di. They all were with her all this time.. none of them had told her about them informing Arnav.. then how did he know?

Not that she wasn't going to tell him.. as it is he would have come to know about it after seeing her forehead and arm bandaged.. but she had planned on explaining him everything calmly when he would come back in the evening.. but now it was too late.. he had got the news from somewhere else and she had to face his wrath now.. She was broken out of her thoughts when Arnav snapped at her again..

Arnav: Explanation Khushi.. I'm waiting..

he said that and moved back giving her some space to breath.. but his eyes still on her.. Khushi took in a deep breath as she began to answer him..

khushi: I.. woh.. nikhil's partner was not able to participate.. so.. I.. participated instead of her..

Arnav: Bloody hell Khushi.. what did I specifically say before I left for the meeting?

khushi: you asked me to stay at home..

Arnav: and not only going to the race but also participating was what exactly?

khushi: I wasn't going to participate.. but nikhil couldn't participate without a partner.. so I thought of helping him.. and I dint know that the breaks would fail..

Arnav: yeah right!

khushi: (biting her lip) but.. how did you come to know that I had been to the race?

Arnav: (raising his eyebrow) that's not important.. but looking at your reaction im guessing you weren't planning to tell me, were you?

khushi: no.. I mean yes.. I mean..

Arnav was boiling in anger seeing her not planning to tell him.. he punched the headboard making khushi jump in fear.. and got up to call their family doctor.. he knew that the medics had banged her but he wanted their family doctor to check Khushi and make sure she was fine..

Khushi tried to tell him that there was no need of doctor but his one look was enough to shut her up..

to be continued...

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