Part 14

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Same night (Gupta mansion)

Khushi had called Karan and asked him to come meet her as she had something to talk about.. they both were I Khushi's room talking.. She told him about her marriage with Arnav..Karan was shocked and hurt hearing that.. He tried asking Khushi the reason.. But she refused to tell him..

Karan: (hurt) Khushi please.. I'm sure there something you are hiding from me.. Please tell me..

Khushi: it's nothing Karan.. it's just that I need to marry Arnav..

Karan: but why? Give me one good enough reason.. and don't tell me that you feel for him.. Because I can see it in your eyes that you don't love him.. then why khushi?

She knew she cannot hide things from Karan.. so she told him.. she told him about what happened between her and Arnav.. How Arnav blackmailed her to marry him or he would terminate the deal and Gupta industries will have to shut down..

Karan was shocked knowing the truth from Khushi..

Karan: what? I can't believe that he can stoop so low.. But don't worry Khushi.. We will work something out.. You don't need to marry him..

Khushi: there is no way out Karan.. I've tried everything already..

Karan: let me try Khushi..

Karan called his lawyers and tried finding ways to help Khushi..   But there was no way out.. Either she marries Arnav or Gupta industries has to shut down.. Karan asked Khushi to not marry him and they will try and bring Gupta industries back to its heights.. But Khushi knew that said was easier than done.. Not having a choice she took the decision of marrying Arnav.. Though Karan was not happy about it.. He stood by her..

Karan: no matter what happens... I'm always be by your side Khushi.. Just remember that..

she smiled half heartedly.. at one side it was Karan who loved her and was standing by her side no matter what and at the other side it was Arnav who was just trying to win her for some reason she dint know..


Next morning

Arnav was driving to work when he thought of stopping at Gupta mansion.. He wanted to meet Khushi.. He was dying to see her since past two days.. He had not met her after their talk in his office.. He drove to her house and before he entered the gates.. He saw Shashi and Garima leave somewhere in their car..  So that means Khushi must be alone.. Good for him.. he smirked.. parking his car he got down and walked to the house.. One of the maid opened the door and greeted him..

Arnav: where is Khushi?

Maid: she is in her room sir.. I will call her..

Arnav: that's okay..  I will go and meet her in her room..

Arnav started walking to her room.. He knew where her room was as he had been here few days back to drop her.. he reached her room and saw the door open.. He moved inside and so the room empty.. Where was she he thought.. That's when he heard the shower running.. Guess she was having her shower.. he thought of waiting for her to finish..

He took this time in noticing her room.. it was a beautiful room with her big picture on top of her bed..  it was an old photo he guessed.. She seemed around 20 in it.. He moved to the nearby wall and saw many photo frames hanging on the wall.. Some of her pictures with her parents.. Some with Nikhil.. And many with friends.. He noticed that she had as many guy friends as many as girl friends.. he moved to a corner table where he saw her laptop, some novels and a photo frame of her and karan's picture placed on it..

he was mad seeing her pic with karan..  Before he could take the photo frame and throw it away in anger he heard her coming out of the bathroom..

What he saw made him forget his anger and left him gulping.. She was done with her shower and was out only in a white towel.. she had wrapped the towel on her which ended inches above her knees.. Showing her sexy long legs.. Khushi was not aware of Arnav's presence in her room.. She had her back to him and was finding something in her closet.. he started moving towards her.. he knew he shouldn't but he couldn't control his desires after seeing her in that short towel.. thoughts of her only in that towel and maybe nothing else inside flashed in his mind.. he continued moving toward her in slow steps.. finally reaching her he snacked his arms around her waist hugging her from behind..

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