fuck DC, all my homies hate DC

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hawaii: alaska, i'm sorry for calling you gay lord a couple of chapters ago

alaska: it's fine, fedya

alaska: wait why is this chapter's name "fuck DC, all my homies hate DC"

new jersey: because he sucks

alabama: yeah

alaska: yeah

arizona: yeah

arkansas: yeah

california: yeah

colorado: yeah

connecticut: yeah

delaware: yeah

florida: yeah

georgia: yeah

hawaii: yeah

idaho: yeah

illinois: yeah

indiana: yeah

iowa: yeah

kansas: yeah

kentucky: yeah

louisiana: yeah

maine: yeah

maryland: yeah

massachusetts: yeah

michigan: yeah

minnesota: yeah

mississippi: yeah

missouri: yeah

montana: yeah

nebraska: yeah

nevada: yeah

new hampshire: yeah

new mexico: yeah

new york: yeah

north carolina: yeah

north dakota: yeah

ohio: yeah

oklahoma: yeah

oregon: yeah

pennsylvania: yeah

rhode island: yeah

south carolina: yeah

south dakota: yeah

tennessee: yeah

texas: yeah

utah: yeah

vermont: yeah

virginia: yeah

washington: yeah

west virginia: yeah

wisconsin: yeah

wyoming: yeah

DC has joined the conversation

DC: don't you have valentine's day to celebrate?

illinois: we are, we're at walmart splurging on overpriced valentine's day candy

DC: then how did you all text "yeah" at the same time

nebraska: shut up u capitalized name lookin ass

DC: my username is how it's supposed to be capitalized

idaho: yee, but athetic

DC: aesthetic*

wyoming: wtf man, u spell correcting my girl's spelling?

DC: whatever

montana: woah okay teenage girl on tik tok losing an argument

DC has left the conversation

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