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colorado: i'm convinced that i am in fact

colorado: a god

florida: #godboss

utah: i'm gonna tape him to his chair so he doesn't break down in the middle of the wedding

new mexico: yeah he can't be trusted

. . . <3

california walked down the isle, garbage water dripping down her legs, stepping over turtles, and arm linked to maryland's. she looked down the carpet at her soon to be wife and bridesmaids, they all looked so lovely. california felt herself tear up, holding it in though because her mascara was expensive damnit.

maryland let go out california and went to go sit with virginia in the front row, a kind smile never leaving her scarred face. two figures started to walk down the isle, new hampshire and vermont. vermont was holding a box with their rings in it and new hampshire was grabbing flowers out of their basket to throw at people, rather violently.

california looked at her shorter lover, even wearing a tuxedo made out of garbage, nevada looked ravishing. both of them turned to mississippi, who was looking at a paper with her lines. "i just remembered i can't read." she says, the room falls silent at the 'priest's' words, "you can kiss now i guess."

california laughed and threw the bouquet into the air over the guests, taking nevada by the hip and dipping the shorter state to form a kiss. cali's smooth lips met nevada's, both of them smiling into it. they pulled away giggling.

they turned to the crowd to see oklahoma and nebraska fighting over the dead flower bouquet. the other states and some countries cheered them on, yelling "fight, fight, fight." california smiled, wrapping her arm around nevada's shoulder and chuckling at her friends' stupidity.

this wedding was far from perfect, but to be honest? no one expected perfect out of these mfs though, they still make among us and deez nuts jokes, i'm surprised they even knew what a wedding was.

states do be texting doe 😳Where stories live. Discover now