smash bros???? :DDDDD

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utah: so when did virginia and maryland start being a thing

montana: they aren't???????

utah: why are they on a double date with nevada and cali then🙄

colorado: lmao look at all of em useless lesbians

new hampshire: wait isn't maryland with massachusetts?

nebraska: they broke up in the revolutionary war omg

maine: oh yeah, then mass had to take care of me by himself with that big angry single dad energy™

new york: lol you belonged to massachusetts loser

maine: shut your mouth hole or else i'll tell them

south carolina: 👀

north dakota: wait where were they having the double date

colorado: paris

south dakota: why were you and utah there

indiana: ya'll datin'? 😳

colorado: hahA jokes on you, my true love is giraffes💞

utah: how dare you assume colorado is a cheater

giraffe bae🥰: colorado we'll talk about this when you get home

colorado: babe i-

giraffe bae🥰 changed their name to "giraffe fam✌️"

colorado: babe please-💔

giraffe fam✌️ left the conversation

nevada: so colorado you're single now

nevada: wanna smash with utah

colorado: hell yeah!

utah: really?? top or bottom?

colorado: what the shit do you mean? didn't nevada mean smash bros?

utah: y e p

colorado: coolios

colorado: we'll be back, dude-bros

maryland: big oof my dude

vermont: they legit went on a date tho-?

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