so london and new york huh

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new york started a private chatroom with connecticut, pennsylvania, maine, and 2 others

new york: i think i still have feelings for london

rhode island: you finally realized

pennsylvania: 🕺💃🎂🍾🥂🍻🎉🎊✨

maine: how d e n s e are you-?

new york: why didn't you guys tELL ME

connecticut: we can't tell you your feelings bro

connrcticut: we can't just go up to you and be like 'you still have feelings for london btw'

new york: YOU COULD HAVE

new jersey: this is great and all but why did you invite your boyfriend here

pennsylvania: 👀

new york: shit sorry

new jersey: it's fine, i like someone else too

rhode island: wHAT WHO

new jersey: lol you thought i would tell you

rhode island: crap shit

maine: how are you going to ask london out?

connecticut added nevada to the private chatroom

nevada: why

connecticut: since your the most romantic state i was thinking you could help us help new york to ask out london

connecticut: and since you're so loud you'll probably get the news about nj and ny breaking up out faster

nevada: lol okay

nevada: the only person i've ever asked out has been cali

new jersey: yeah but now you two have been together since 1879 so start talking

nevada: fine, do a romantic gesture. figure out what he likes and get him a nice gift

nevada: since he's snobby and british, bring him to a snobby british place

nevada: don't take him to make-out point immediately

new york: thanks

new york left the chatroom

pennsylvania: gentlemen, tonight we feast like kings 🕺💃

maine: come💃on🕺shake💃your🕺body 💃do🕺that💃conga🕺no 💃you🕺cant💃control🕺💃any🕺longer💃🕺💃🕺

new jersey:🕺ÿøū çãń't êšçãpë thė çøñgå💃

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