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missouri: remember that time in the 1850s where we all ran away?? well except kansas, west virginia, nevada, nebraska, colorado, north dakota, south dakota, montana, washington, idaho, wyoming, utah, oklahoma, new mexico, arizona, alaska, and hawaii

minnesota: yeah that's when you guys picked me and oregon up off the road and were like "wanna join a country lol."

missouri: well we're doing that again but it's not the 1850s and i'm bringing none of you with me

mississippi: so you're running away

missouri: yes


cali: we should track down where alaska and hawaii are

washington: they're probably at "the restaurant"

idaho: it's most likely a really nice place in the capital

idaho: honolufloo????


south carolina added honolulu

south carolina: where did alaska and hawaii go on their date

honolulu: la mer

honolulu left the conversation

tennessee: ok so know we go there and ask them what's happening

kentucky: now we spy on them and figure out what's happening

virginia: we respect their privacy and they eventually tell us what's happening

oklahoma: you all are stupid

oklahoma: the only right response is to get jobs at the restaurant and then wait on them

maine: not us pulling a nickelodeon show episode where the main character finds a love interest

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