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pennsylvania: friends gave unrealistic expectations for friendship

indiana: you expected to move into an apartment and meet lifetime friends??

pennsylvania: yes?????

ohio: omg we should do that

ohio: new york could buy a whole apartment building for us to live in and it's fine because we live with each other anyways

new york: no

illinois: wtf why

new york: i'd probably have to talk to nyc

new york: and he is the bitch-ass, brooding, teenage little brother i never wanted

rhode rage: do it and mass will admit you're better than him

new york: done

massachusetts: i never agreed to that

arkansas: we just gonna ignore that he somehow bought a whole apartment building in a second after rhode sent that text

loui: no we just gotta be grateful that we gonna get snow

washington: remember to get one with a fountain to dance in

oregon: tf how are we gonna get a 50 person fountain

washington: well you can sit out 🥰

new hampshire: calm down we can get more than one fountain

delaware: no we have enough fountains at home

florida: he said the same thing about wars smh

hawaii: he said the same thing about sharks too!

loui: we never get to do anything fun

states do be texting doe 😳Where stories live. Discover now