hogwarts, drugdeals, and lava lamps, oh my

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cali: okay so i went to britain and saw NO HOGWARTS WHATSOEVER

idaho: those lying bastards at hollywood

cali: ikr

new hampshire: are you guys telling me that you believed hogwarts was real up until this point???

cali: duh, who wouldn't?

cali: but then some guy came up to me with this piece of paper and said he'd let me into hogwarts for 139$

cali: then i think i was at hogwarts for a while. but then i woke up passed out on the ground

nevada: i think you got involved in a drug deal, babe

cali: oh

cali: that's why he said 'this is definitely a drug deal no joke i'm seriously selling you illegal substances for money.'

massachusetts: omg

new mexico: i got a lava lamp, it's pretty cool

new mexico: why is florida pounding on my door

louisiana: he wants to break your lava lamp so he can see if there's actual lava in there

new mexico: well there's lava on my floor now and i'm not that fond of that


michigan: what the hell was that

new york: jersey just passed out on his keyboard

new york: so now i have to write this fanfic

georgia: as a continuation of his legacy 👉👈🥺

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