Chapter 1

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This is from an old-shot and since a lot of you have asked for this to be turned into a novel, here it is! I hope everyone enjoys it. 

"Is breakfast ready?" Brian walked inside the kitchen and questioned. When he didn't get a response from me, his fingers raked into my hair and he tugged my locks. "Are you deaf?"

"Fuck you," I groaned before pulling away. He grabbed my arm and stopped me from running like I usually did.

"I asked you something, bitch." He said with a tone filled with anger. Brian was the Beta of the Nightstalkers Pack whilst I was an omega—the lowest and the dirtiest in line.

"Yes, it's ready. Vanessa is setting up the table," I replied quietly. It was never good to have an argument with the Beta as that would lead to bloodshed and most of that blood would be mine.

There were only a few omegas, and omega was a title that was passed down by family. My parents were omega's as well and now I was one of them. Omegas were treated horribly, they were slaves to the pack and the Alpha. I was born as an omega so being a slave came to me naturally. They forced me to cook, take care of other members, clean dishes and clothes. I wasn't allowed to take part in any pack activity as my wolf was weak—or so they claimed it to be.

"Bitch," I heard Brian whisper before he left the kitchen.

There were only a few of us, Vanessa, me, Zoe and Rose. My Dad was killed when the pack was attacked a few years ago. The first ones to die were the omegas and then other warriors. Ever since the death of my Dad, I was treated like a rotten rat locked inside a cage that couldn't stop rattling for freedom.



"You okay there?" Zoe asked as she glanced back. She was doing the dishes, and it wasn't even morning yet. The sky was dark, but the members of the house were known to wake up early.

I pushed a piece of my hair behind my ears and picked up the clean plates, "I'm fine. It's not anything unusual," I mumbled as I walked out. "I'm going to help Vanessa,"

As I stepped out of the kitchen, a bright hallway appeared in front of me. The house were the high-ranking wolves and purebred's lived was large with hallways one could always get lost in. The omegas were given a separate room just beside the kitchen. We were able to go to school, but it wasn't like they treated us any better there. I thought about running away from the pack for years but that wouldn't bring any good to me either.

There was someone here that I desired for and that was the Alpha.

I walked into the room where a long dining table was placed. Vanessa was setting up the table, and there were some members sitting down. I glanced at the corner and found our Alpha taking place in the middle just beside his girlfriend—or the one-night stand.

The Alpha was somewhat of a—man whore. It was rumoured that he had killed his mate so he could sleep with other women. It wasn't wrong—I mean—with a face and body like that, I would do the same. The Alpha had a physique of a man who'd hit the gym eight times a week. He also had a full sleeve tattooing him from wrist to shoulder as he had scars from the war. He had a square jaw, stubble beard, and sheer perfection that lingered from the top to the bottom.

As he raised his head towards me, I looked away, not wanting to be caught staring at him. Since he was the Alpha, he was stubborn, stern and dominant.

The Nightstalkers Pack was the strongest pack in North America and all credits went to Alpha Wayne. He had strength as of a hundred wolves and with strength came along with a strong sexual appetite. He was known to sleep with unmated females every single night. He never settled down with one as he preferred being with different bodies.

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