Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Patrols covered every inch of the town. Everything was closed, including gas station and the groceries that were opened during nighttime. People that were found taking a walk were asked to return to their houses for their own safety.

When we reached the borders, I found a thousand warriors scattered through the lands, some in their wild form and some in their human form. It was a never-ending silent crowd surrounding me. It was just one order that Wayne had given, and his army had secured the town in a snap of minutes.

I was shocked to the least.

Magnus approached me after getting out of another car. "He really wants to protect you and his unborn child, Clara. If any harm reaches you, he'll be destroyed. You're his weakness and we both are aware of that." He whispered and met with my eyes.

"I know but I know how this can be resolved. Ronald has nothing. I have done my research. He reached out to the rogues because he believes they will side them. All we have to do is pull them to our side." I explained while walking over the dirt and rocks in the middle of nowhere.

"I've studied rogues for decades. They don't want to choose a side." Magnus clarified.

"Then no side it is."

I stiffened my back and moved along with Magnus who had promised to lead me to the group of rogues. He had spotted them and knew their exact location. The warriors that came along with me strolled nearby, some shifted while some carried weapons in their hands, readying themselves to bring anyone that harms me down.

"That would be better." Magnus said, starkly. "They are a lot of them and if you piss one of them, they are all going to get pissed. They won't do much harm as they can barely shift but they'll gather a thousand more if needed." He occasionally glanced around the unnamed land outside the town and became attentive to any unusual sound or movement that didn't belong to the warriors or us.

"Do you know what they want?" I tucked my hands inside my jacket as a wave of cold air struck my body. It grew chilly and dark.

Magnus stopped on his track. I assumed I had said something wrong when he stared at me with red in his eyes.

"They want peace, Clara."

I shuddered under his judgmental gaze and then questioned, "You kill them, don't you?"

"I harm them when they walk into the town unannounced, but they wouldn't if they had families and packs." He gritted his teeth and held back his growl.

"Do you feel for them?"

"Don't you?"

When I didn't respond, he sighed and continued walking on the trail that seemed to lead him somewhere. When I turned around, I found the lights of the town and the hills from far away. From up there, I could see everything.

My gut tightened at the thought of Mom.

I quickly brushed away the thought and moved to Wayne who was probably worried sick about me as of now. It had been thirty minutes and it was enough time to concern a male Alpha about his mate.

I snapped out of my thoughts upon seeing a fire between the trees and camps. For a moment, I stayed confused until Magnus explained, "The rogues camp around for days before a war. It's a way of calling other rogues to tune in with them."


I wrapped my arms around my shoulders as uncertainty and fear rose up my throat in a bile. I remembered the time where the rogues camped near the town the last time they attacked us. The tension then spread and created immense chaos through the townspeople and everyone surrounding them.

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