Chapter 17

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"In our time, parties like these were used as a facade to find unmated wolves and mate with them," Nora said, running a wooden brush through my hair. "Now, it's just all business and politics." She sighed, shaking her head.

My head burned when she pulled hard. It took me a while—an hour of trying to fix my hair to finally realize that it was fucked up and I really needed someone's help.

"How long ago was your time, Nora?" I asked, looking up at her.

"A few decades back. Look beyond the wrinkles, there are many stories hidden in there." She patted the brush over my head before yanking my head back down. She didn't look old at all to me. Her youth was still intact.

"Why do you still work here?" Most omegas had the option to leave after a certain age or time and they all did. A lot of elder omegas had walked out of the door once they had served the Alpha enough but Nora didn't.

"Where would I even go? I don't have a family nor any children. I was born here, out of wedlock and had spent all of my life here." She explained.

"But don't you wish to see the world?"

She struck the brush at my head again and laughed, "Oh, Clara, the world for omegas is smaller than you can think. You'll know once you get out."

I turned my body around and gave her a wide-eyed stare. "Out? How do you know?"

"I have ears and the walls are pretty thin in this house. It's not hard enough to figure out when someone is making an agreement with the Alpha," She sounded calm. "And the rumors in the kitchen. I'm sorry about them. Those girls are getting out of hand day by day."

I looked my self at the mirror and struggled to make an eye-contact with Nora. She wasn't judging me. I wanted her to, just like the other's did even when they knew nothing. When she glanced at the mirror, she smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

"I really wanted to get out." I whispered while shrinking back onto the chair.

"I know. Everyone does. You've done nothing wrong, Clara. I'm happy for you but you should've waited for a while, learned about him and the things he had done in the past before bearing his child."

Wrinkles formed in my forehead. "Like what?"

Nora was silent for a long second. She stopped combing my hair and went over to the dresser to grab a few pins. When she came back, she leaned down beside me and looked at our reflection.

"When you get the chance, ask him why he killed his mate."

The hair over my skin rose and I shuddered in fear. No one knew the reason to why the Alpha had murdered his own mate only a few months after mating. It was a hidden secret, never spoken about.

Without saying anything else, Nora stuck a few pins in my hair and then sent me off to change my clothes. By the time I came out of the closet, she was long gone.

I quickly distracted myself with applying makeup and thinking of other things while the question still remained on the top of my head. Why did he kill his own mate? He always seemed calm and collected. He didn't have any anger issues as other Alpha's did. So why?

My entire world titled. The second I got ready, I left my room and glanced around the hallways, ensuring they were clear before sneaking inside the Alpha's room once again.

It was half past eight in the evening. The party had began an hour ago. Everyone was crowded in the ball room of the house and more and more guests were coming in.

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