Chapter 49

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Clara's POV

It was a Thursday morning when I decided upon heading back to school to collect some of my old books and to get my graduation clothes. It was a difficult decision but I made it and chose to leave high-school after getting my diploma—which I was getting either way. It was one of the perks of being mated to the Alpha.

I got anything I wanted.

I pushed open the heavy door to the principal's office and walked in with a cheerful smile curled over my lips. "Good morning." I greeted Mrs. Miller.

"Good morning, Clara." She stood up for a second and then sat back down. While her voice was steel, she still carried some respect for me after learning I was marked by Wayne. "So glad you could be here today."

I waved at her before taking a seat in front of her. It had been over a month since I had attended school. The last semester was almost over. Students were preparing for the graduation ceremony and so was I, even though I stopped attending long time ago. I always desired seeing myself in a cap and gown, walking and getting appreciated for suffering in the walls of this high-school.

It was the end of a chapter.

"We will be having rehearsals next week for. Your cap and gown will be delivered to the Alpha's house, hopefully tomorrow morning. The ceremony will take place on the 25th of the month. Are there any special requests you'd like to make?" She asked, pulling out a paper and a pen.

I cleared my throat but abstained from jumping right in. "Nothing much. But I'd like to be the first one getting the diploma." Just a small request. "And I'd like to give a speech as well. Everything sweet, of course, don't worry." I warmed her down before she grew paranoid.

"Okay. Would that be all?"

"Yes. Thank you, Mrs. Miller." I squinted my eyes and gave her a smile before heading out.

High-school sucked the life out of me. It was a terrifying experience and I never wanted to return. As I walked through the crowded hallways of the school, people gawked at me and chatter began to spread. Four years and there was no one with me. People despised me when I was an omega but since my title had been changed, they began to as well.

It was hypocrisy all around.

Vanessa waved at me from the corner of one class and I waved back at her. A lot of changes were made over the past couple weeks. Omegas were no longer working nor they were treated harshly among the wolves. Some still continued to work for the Alpha and some didn't.

It was all a choice now.

At the house, there was only one woman, Nora, who stayed and continued to serve the Alpha and me. For some reason, she never wanted to leave as she believed Wayne had done a lot for her. Aside from us, she didn't have a family nor any closeby relatives. I couldn't be any more happier to have her with me, all the time. She walked me right beside me through a dangerous path and helped in my journey and most of all, she treated me as if I were her own daughter.

The visit to the school came to an end in less than an hour. I tucked my hands inside my pockets and walked through the woods by myself to catch a fresh breath of air before returning home. The driver Wayne sent was lurking nearby, waiting for my call to take me home.

My nose wrinkled at the reeking scent of wolves surrounding me. I stopped on my steps and took a quick glance around the woods that were in the town's territory. Danger spread through the air and my heart raced in response.

A harsh wind whooshed across me. I took a heavy breath and turned around to find Beth breathing down my neck.

A laugh made its way out of my throat. "What are you doing here, Beth? Don't you have something else to do than stalking me?" I questioned, placing my hands over my hips.

"Oh, I'm not stalking you," She came closer. The inch difference between our heights made me smaller than her. "I'm here to end you. What did you think? You could just steal Wayne from me and nothing would happen. He isn't your mate and as far as I know, I'm sure that child isn't even his." She threw a few taunts at me.

They didn't make a difference until she dragged my child into it again. "Get out of my face." I hissed at her.

While it was slightly troubling to see Wayne sleep with Beth numerous times, I didn't think much about it. He had a ton of affairs with several women and one of them was Beth. But they were just affairs and nothing more. I always wondered why she had gotten a fancy treatment all along when she was just a warrior of the pack and it made sense when they slept together.

Since then, Wayne had apologized and I had forgotten it up until she was on my face, breathing hard and rattling heavily.

"Just because you got his mark, doesn't mean you aren't an omega and you know what they say about omegas?" She asked. The scent of other female wolves got thicker and as I looked over her shoulders, I found a pack of her friends walking towards me. "They are weak, fragile, easy to kill and torture."

"Go ahead." I folded my arms and waited.

"Take her down, girls." She shot an order to the female wolves behind and they came running towards me without a thought of what would happen in just a few seconds.

Before any of them could bury a single claw into my legs, a group of larger wolves appeared, growling at the females and the females ran away immediately upon their arrival, except for Beth who stayed.

"What the fuck?" She cursed at the male wolves. "What is wrong with you dogs? This is a fucking omega who had poisoned so many of us and the Alpha is a fool to think she is on his side. It will only take a second for this filth to change allegiance." She started, holding a ted talk in the middle of the woods. "Ending her is the best way to ensure we will all be safe and in peace."

The wolves didn't bother responding to her. They inched closer and protected me as they were commanded by their Alpha. The male wolves had never left me alone, they were guarding me, day and night, even when Wayne was around. He didn't want a single soul to trouble me.

And no one did.

Several seconds passed before a car rolled into the woods and Wayne walked out. Anger spread through his features as he walked over to me. "What the fuck is happening?" He questioned, giving Beth an eagle stare.

She shrugged, "Nothing. Was just trying to kill her before your dogs appeared." She spoke with ease and clenched her jaw at him—a threat he couldn't take and I knew that for a fact. Whether Wayne hated me or loved me, at the end of the day, he couldn't let anyone kill me.

I turned my eyes to him, finding anger in the depth of his. Something rattled inside him and for a second, I feared for Beth's life.

"You're banished."


"Wayne." I gasped at the words before grabbing his arm. "You can't do that." It was cruel to banish anyone from a pack—whether it was Beth or anyone else. "Her threats mean nothing to me."

He didn't listen. He kept his eyes upon her and continued, "I, the Alpha of the Nightstalkers pack, banish you, Beth from this pack and all the duties and titles you uphold."

Dread spread across her face and she teared up. "No, no, I'm sorry." She begged, shaking her head and crying with misery in every tear that fell off her trembling lashes.

"Too late." Wayne snarled before holding my arm and taking me away from her. He moved his attention to a wolf lingering around and ordered, "Ensure she is out of here by dusk and spread the news to her family. Everyone should know what to expect when they choose to threaten or harm my mate in any way."

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