Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I squealed with joy—completely thrilled. Not only I had received a better mark on my essay but also, Ms. Kel nor the principal uttered a single word to me when I went in the office to get my paper back.

Ms. Kel's expression was tight, she had her hands folded across her chest and a smug frown over her mouth. I could smell her anger from a distance but even with all that anger, she didn't say a word to me—she couldn't.

After getting my essay, I headed out and across the hallway to join my next class. Regardless of the Alpha's saying, I still wanted to complete my classes and graduate rightfully than just making my way through it. That was wrong.

My class was already over by the time I left. The students scattered across the hallways and some of them saw the Alpha leaving. Among them was Vanessa who was nearby.

"What have you done?" She asked as I reached my locker.

I showed her my paper which had be graded again, "Nothing yet."

"The Alpha did this?" She reached for the paper, her mouth wide open, almost hitting the floor. "How are you getting this benefit?" Her questions continued.

I sighed, opening my locker and shoving in the heavy books I carried along with me. "Just something." I winked at Vanessa before walking away.

Vanessa was a judgy-kind of a woman. If she got a glimpse sight of what I had done, her remarks over protecting my body for my mate and all that rubbish would began. And it wasn't like I needed to tell anyone about the agreement. People could be curious for as long as they wanted to be.

As I entered the lab for my next class, I found him again, the Alpha—he was outside of the school, speaking to the Beta. It seemed like a scolding as he was the only one talking and poor Brian was just listening.

I might have spilled in the car ride of the few, certain terms his Beta used to call or mock me.

Shaking off a laugh, I twirled around and took my seat while the other students began crowding up in the lab. I quietly went through my phone and found Mom sending me a thousand of messages, all of them reminding me to get the names by Sunday evening or earlier.

The names of those she wanted to poison.

This was going to be hard.

I switched off my phone and glanced up to find the Beta approaching me. His face was flushed with anger as well. He stopped in front of me and I rose my eyebrow.

"He just likes to treat his whores right." He said, shaking his head in disappointment. Someone still couldn't stop.

"Seems like you would know." I replied, battling my lashes and smiling.

"Bitch." He whispered before pushing past me and almost taking my arm with him.

I ignored the slight pain and laughed it off. It was wonderful seeing Brian tremble with anger. Someone was eventually going to do it. He needed to be taught a lesson, just like most of the pack wolves around here. While the pack was in peace, there was a lot of ill-treatment around here, bullying, wrong killings, battles and all those things that were deemed unnecessary but most of them were done in the shadows, away from the sight of the Alpha. So, no one knew.

The rest of the day passed by without any issue. When the teachers were informed by the principal, they stopped mistreating me for the morning and there was a slight change in the atmosphere since the Alpha left.

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