Chapter 34

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The Alpha abided with my silence for a few seconds before turning around. Nothing came to me. My mind went into a daze. I considered my options then, I really did. I thought about my family—I thought I was protecting them, saving them. It was the only reason why I didn't resent to the Alpha or anyone else. I didn't care about the revenge omegas took upon the other wolves, I only cared about them and when it came to light, my first thought was keeping my Mom alive.

I didn't praise their movement.

"I'm sorry! I admit, I've done wrong but I want to make amends. I don't want to live here, alone, away from everyone for the rest of my life." I said, drawing back his attention.

One second he was away and the other, he was in front of me. "You aren't going to live here, Clara. The second I've my child, you'll be banished."

"You can't banish me." I shook my head in disbelief.

"I will." He smiled through his fury. The tone of his voice stood by his words as he continued. "So, while you're here, you can enjoy your time before turning into a rogue. You were once ungrateful about being an omega, let's see how you deal with yourself when you become a rogue." His gaze laced with ice and without any emotion.

A rogue.

My lips parted as I pictured the rogue I hunted down with Mom a week ago. Rogues were all pack wolves once before they were banished. They were weak and their existence was entirely useless. A lone rogue could easily become a victim of any pack it roamed around.

And that's where their life ended.

When they'd be found by another pack wolf.

"You can't," I said, giving my head another shake. "We had an agreement—"

"That ended the minute you betrayed me." He cut me off.

"But you promised you wouldn't take me away from my child." Tears gathered at the ends of my eyes. "No matter what." My breath turned ragged. The thought of it broke me, especially since I now knew I was expecting.

"Oh," He fastened his hand around my face and dug his fingers deep into my cheeks. "You're unfit to become anything, let alone a mother." He taunted, belittling me. "Do you think I'll let you be anywhere near my child after all the shit you've pulled? That's right, no and I'll see to that myself."

"Why would you do that? It's going to be my child too." I sobbed.

"Because you deserve this. You brought this upon yourself. You should be thanking me that I have chosen to banish you instead of killing you." He gleamed with fury as he spoke.

As he released me, I yelled, "You can't do this!"

He ignored and left the house. The main door slammed shut and I shuddered at the voice. I let out a shaky breath before wiping away my tears. There were still months left before I was going to give birth or before this child was going to be taken away from me.

I had time in my hands and I couldn't afford to lose it.

I needed to convince the Alpha to not banish me. I didn't care if I had to live at the other end of the town or somewhere far away but as long as I could see my child.

I stormed across the hall and reached the front door, right where the Alpha went out from. I wasn't going to give up anytime soon, not until he allowed me to stay here and be with my child.

As soon as I opened the door, a man stepped in front of me and forced me to return back into the house.


"You aren't allowed to leave. Better stay inside." The man said before dragging the door shut and locking up the main entrance of the house.

I closed my hands together and straightened my back before returning to the kitchen. "I need your help, Nora."

"If it means giving you a sharp object, I can't." She replied without looking at me. Her attention was upon the stove where she was cooking something—something large enough to feed more than two people.

"Who's coming?" I wondered.

"A few high-ranked wolves are coming to the house by afternoon. The Alpha is making a necessary announcement regarding the omegas and the poison he has possessed." She turned to me and saw the terrified look over my face. "Don't worry, no one else is paying apart from you."

"What?" I raised my brow. "Nothing is going to happen to the omegas?" One of my concerns was also being the safety of Mom. She was the one behind most of the scheming. She was a big part of everything that happened and it made me worry about her.

"Nothing. It was either them getting punished or you. I guess we both know who he chose to punish." Nora replied before setting aside an empty tray from the oven she had just heated up. "Try staying in your room. When those wolves get angry, you end up in an empty field with them and the next minute your heart is up your throat." It sounded like a cruel warning that she tried giving me.

"Is Brian coming?"

"Yes," she nodded in response. "The Beta is picking up his things as well so he'll be wandering around. Don't let him provoke you into anything, Clara." Another warning.

I fiddled with my fingers before I asked, "Can I talk to him? I mean—apologize."

Nora froze on her tracks midway through setting the oven. Color drained off her face as she turned her head to me. "Don't take that risk."

"I did poison him. It makes sense if I apologize to him," I kept my gaze on her and whispered. "I just want to make amends."

Things were getting clear to me and I felt a lot more guilty than ever. I poisoned Brian, took away his wolf, and left him miserable. And now, karma was catching up to me—in the exact same way.

Nora blinked at my acceptance of guilt. "I can't stop you, Clara but we both are aware that things can get heated up between you two. Everytime. But do as you wish. I'm sure he's become a better person since his wolf has disappeared." She nodded before returning to her cooking.

"Thank you, Nora. You have been really helpful!" It was true.

She was there from the moment I arrived at this house, then I was a child—specifically, a fussy child omega that always caused chaos everywhere, with everyone and Nora was always by my side, treating me and the other omegas I worked with as her own children.

I didn't know whether it was the blood bond of being omegas or something else, but I was grateful to have her for once.

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