Chapter 41

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It felt different being out in the wild after so many days of complete isolation. Nothing had changed. The pack, the town, it was the same, just as it was before the wolves learned about the sickness and the poison. It was all for nothing and I had to take all the blame as I was the one working from the inside since there was nothing more the other pack wolves could do to the omegas at the hill.

Even the Alpha couldn't do anything.

A fine sheen of sweat covered my forehead and face as I walked through the dangerous path of the hills. I wasn't heading to the omega's houses, instead, I was going to Mom who was nearby but alone.

After several letters and a small talk, we decided upon meeting near the hills. It was safe, away from everyone and the Alpha. It wasn't hard to force Mom to believe that I was sneaking out of the house just for a few hours. She was vulnerable when it came to her family, her daughter and yet somehow, all her mistakes were upon me.

I stood underneath the shade of a large, local tree with my hands tucked inside my jacket. The air was fresh, crisp, and clean. I enjoyed every second of it until Mom appeared in her truck.

She parked it on the roadside before running to me and grabbing me in her arms. For the first time, her embrace felt stiff to me. She caught a glimpse of my face and her lips curled into a whole-hearted smile. It lit her face well.

"You don't know how much I've been dying to see..." Her hands clasped my face. "I'm so sorry, Clara, I fucked bad and I ruined everything for you. It was never supposed to go like this but it did and I don't enough words to say how I feel about this." She continued as a few tears bubbled up in her eyes. Her weary face displayed her sorrow for me.

I pursed my lips and gave my head a slight nod. "It's okay." As much as I wanted to, I couldn't blame her and at the end of the day, she was my Mom so I couldn't even hate her for bringing me into all this.

I loved her.

"How are you?" She asked, pressing my shoulders tight.

"I'm fine. Been better."

Mom took a look around her surroundings. It was a quick glance that relieved her of some stress. There wasn't a single soul around as the omegas were the only ones that knew about this route. We were around the hills but nowhere near the wolves that were patrolling the town.

It was a safe spot Mom always told me about since a very young age. I remembered coming here often when Dad was alive. We used to watch the sunset, have a little picnic and maybe take a swim in the nearby lake.

A hand pulled me down near the trunk of the tree that covered us from the morning sunlight. I folded my legs and sat down with Mom who seemed more than ready to snatch me away from this town and take me somewhere else.

But I wasn't here for that.

"I know this great place. It's far but we can fly there together. I'm unsure about the others but Hawk wants to come with us as well. We will have a little more protection in that place with him being around. What do you think?" She began.

"It's a great idea but the Alpha will know if I leave and he will hunt me down." My neck cramped as I twisted it to her and a shade of horror flicked over my face as I replied to her with honesty. When I first thought of running away, my only concern, my only fear was the Alpha finding me and bestowing worse torture upon me and my family.

"He won't. He will never know, Clara. Trust me. The place I'm talking about is far, far away from here. It will be safe. I promise you." She took my hand and placed her palm over mine. Her fingers slowly tightened around my flesh as she continued. "I just need you to agree with me. There is no way we can ever live here."

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