Chapter 23

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By the next morning, I was on track to go back to the house in the town. It was an awfully tired and long ride. I went back for numerous reasons—one of them being to talk with the Alpha and to learn about his evil doings. And, I had school to attend. The weekend was over and I had to continue on with my life, just like everyone else was.

I couldn't smell anxiety or fear in the air after the incidents that occurred at the party. No one seemed to be bothered. People had returned to the norm quicker than I thought.

However, the house was oddly empty and no one could be found inside. When I stepped inside, I inhaled his intoxicating scent and shrugged it off before it impacted me any more than it already had.

After numerous tries of searching Vanessa and the other omegas, I finally found Nora. "Where is everyone else?"

She turned around with a gasp leaving her throat. "You aren't supposed to be here, darlin'."

"What?" My brows mushed together.

"The Alpha had informed me you wouldn't be returning until the matters are sorted. It isn't safe for you here." She continued.

I shook my head and took a glance around the kitchen. Everything was tidy, clean and squeaky yet there were no omegas around. It wasn't time for school just yet so the absence of everyone didn't make any sense to me.

"Where are Vanessa and Zoe?" I questioned, battering down Nora's response.

"They are gone—for the time being. It's just the Alpha here and of course, the Beta and a few other wolves. The rest were let go." She explained. It made sense to why she was only the one in the kitchen. She was the eldest among us and the most trustworthy.

He was having his doubts.

"Oh," I processed her words. "Is he here?"

"Yes. He's in his office."

"Thank you, Nora. Take care of yourself." I said before walking out of the kitchen and heading up the stairs.

It was a dead house with not a single sound except my footsteps echoing through the stairs as I went up. The silence frightened me a little. Just in a span of a few weeks, the silence would become the norm and things would turn around—just as how Mom and the other omegas wanted.

They'd be ruling.

Everyone else would be a walking nothing.

I knocked on the office door, in respect. There was a large chance that we could all be killed by the hands of the man behind the door if things went in the other direction.

"Clara," He opened the door for me. "What are you doing here?" He questioned after letting me inside. His eyes watched me sharply and with concern.

The back of my neck was sore when I rose my head to meet with his eyes. "Why was an omega killed while there was a party going on in here?" I stared at him with confusion and anger.

He averted his gaze and sighed, unsure of how to answer. "It was an accident—"

"No." I cut him off abruptly. I was not going to be fooled. "Let me rephrase it for you, an elder, old omega who had a disability was killed by one of your men and yet no one seems to be concerned about it. Was his life that useless?"

"It's not like that, Clara."

"Then what is it like?" I kept my tone civil, not wanting to raise my voice at the Alpha knowing what that would lead to. "Because I don't understand."

"It was an accident. They got into a bit of quarrel and one of my men killed him in fear of being harmed. It's not what you are thinking. Houses were searched, not only omegas but everyone else's. I'm sorry." He explained, his voice tight with emotions.

I scoffed at his response, "Fear of being harmed? It was an old man. What could he possibly do to your army that you sent up the hills while you were fooling around with me here?" That was another thing I was furious about. I should've seen it coming.

The party was just a cover-up and it could've gotten a lot worse if Mom hadn't hidden her stack of doses away to wherever she hid. I just couldn't imagine what would happen then.

The Alpha was willing to kill anyone—anyone—purely for his satisfaction and need. Mom was right. He was the devil in disguise. The man had killed his own fated mate. What else was I expecting?

He marched forward and repeated, "I'm sorry, Clara but that man had it coming. It was simply a search. If he had nothing to hide, he could've moved away."

Before his hands could reach for me, I backed away. "You're sickening," I whispered before walking away from him.

There was nothing that was going to protect me from getting killed by him, if needed—not even the agreement. He was the Alpha. He didn't need a reason to kill anyone.

Steam fogged around me as I took a long, hot shower alone. My flesh burned with the temperature of the water but I ignored it. After almost an hour of staying under the water, I headed out to my room, changed my clothes and left to go to school. I had to stay inside the house to complete my task and to control the Alpha—which I had no idea how to do.

Once I was dressed, I peeked into his room and office to see what he was up to but he was no longer in there or in the house. He was gone—probably scheming another attack on us. I needed to get details for the sake of Mom but I was too tied up in my own emotions and furious enough to take his apology for killing an omega.

The streets I walked on were harsh, wet and cold. The storm from last night left a wound in the town. When I reached school, I headed straight to the washroom where I threw up my breakfast before I could even enjoy it.

It was clear by now that it wasn't a stomach bug or anything else except for a child and a long pregnancy.

I had no intentions of taking a test just yet or telling the Alpha ever. He could stay in the dark for all I cared and I was afraid of taking a test and confirming it.

Everything would just turn real then.

"You're back!" Vanessa exclaimed as I almost passed her.

"Yeah. Just a night. Had to come to school." I laughed a bit before stopping by her side. "So, how's everything? I didn't see you at the house." Even though I knew the reason, I wanted to hear it from her—once more and get some details.

"Oh. The Alpha gave us a leave. He didn't want us working in the house till things were resolved. Such as the plague—which was totally not a plague!" She cracked out a smile after realizing her silliness. "But it's a vacation for us."

"That's great. What happened with the sick wolves though?" I asked, leaning in a bit closer and keeping my voice low as a whisper.

Her eyes filled up with remorse while she shook her head slightly. "It's bad. While most of them have healed, they still aren't able to function properly."


"Check it by yourself." She said, turning towards Brian who was walking down the stairs and entering the hallway we were standing in.

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