Chapter 3

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"I do wish for a mark," I said, in a casual tone while covering my body with the thin sheet on the bed. Even when his hands were off me, his touch was still pricking over my body, needing more. "I'll be in heat all the time and it will be problematic quite soon." I continued, giving my reasons.

If the Alpha could breed me, he could definitely mark me as well. Not that he had any kind of commitment with anyone else to begin with. I was all about the joy that would come along with that one mark.

My title would change itself and there wouldn't be much the Alpha would need to do then. Respect would crawl over to me after I had his mark.

As an omega, I had been in heat since I struck puberty. It was wild and after getting a little taste of tonight, my wolf was going to be in much worse condition, wanting to be claimed.

Usually, females stayed away from having sex with other male wolves as it would lead to triggering their heat. I did for long until now, when I gave in to my lust and decided to have a little fun.

My legs were slightly sore and my sex on the other hand was aching, burning with the sensation that still hadn't passed by yet. I was untouched by a man but there hadn't been a day that my own hand hadn't pleased myself.

I bit back a whimper as I saw the Alpha buckling up his pants. "I'll see to your heat," As his hands freed away from his pants, he crouched over me and stroked his finger across my shoulder. "And as I told you earlier, I need to think about your request and see what it actually means to me. Either way, you'll still get a new title and a change in position if you bear my child."

The attention I received from the Alpha was overwhelming. All these years I was deprived of everything but tonight felt different—it was different. I sought for attention most of my life, to be noticed, to be heard, to be touched and I didn't care what I had to do to get it.

"I should go." I whispered, getting up. As much as I wanted attention, I didn't want to look desperate even though I was.

Being in an underwear beside the Alpha wasn't an accomplishment in this pack but the things I was going to receive out of this agreement, was one great accomplishment.

I wore my clothes quietly and felt his eyes burning on my back, watching me dress myself up. As I reached for the door, I heard him behind me.


"Goodnight." I replied before walking out.

I walked through the same hallway that I saw many other women walking through, every night, sometimes twice a night. The Alpha always had someone warming his bed, always.

Tonight, it was me.

I didn't feel any shame nor I felt like I had done anything wrong.

On my way back to my quarters, I passed by the Beta. He stopped, freezing on his spot as he saw me walk out of the Alphas room. I assumed it must've been surprising for him. He didn't say anything but I felt his stare on me while his tongue was tied inside his mouth.

I ignored his existence and bumped back to my room in the middle of the night, forgetting the time for a moment there. My eyes lingered over the clock before skimming over Vanessa and Zoe who were asleep.

For the first time, my arms didn't feel sore working all day and night. The cracks on my palms from washing way to many dishes were finally disappearing. I hadn't done any chores today either.

It felt amazing.

No duties.

No chores.

Not being a slave.

I sighed and had a change of clothes before I grabbed my phone off the table and sneaked out. The night wasn't over for me yet.

I still had to meet Mom and the rest of us.

I took the backyard exit, the one where no one came at this time of the night and the safest route outside this house. It wasn't my first time sneaking out. I had done it more than a thousand times.

It was the only way to meet Mom before the crack of dawn. We weren't allowed to leave after midnight struck and most of the meetings I was heading to were held after midnight.

Mom's car was lingering three blocks away from the house. I walked in the cold and dark, hiding my self from any other car that passed by me.

I went inside the black car and wrapped my arms around Mom before anything. "Oh, I missed you."

"Me too, darling." She returned a warm hug, taking away the cold in my body. As I parted myself away from her, her hands cupped my face. "You haven't slept."

I shook my head, "No. I didn't get time. There were too many things I had to do tonight." I replied, lying. It didn't seem like lying, more like hiding the truth from Mom.

I didn't want to tell her anything about the agreement I had made with the Alpha. She hated him, she hated me working for him, she hated the fact we were omega's, she hated everything about this pack.

Mom found her escape decades ago, when Dad died in the attack. After his death, she left, lived on the other side of the town with other omegas that were abandoned and since then, she had been there.

She tried hard to pull me out, away from all my duties but it was impossible with all the ruling and laws of this pack.

The only way we could leave was if we were marked by a high-ranking wolf or killed.

My parents were both omega's so even after them mating, they still had to serve the pack and the Alpha—that was until one of them were killed and Mom was able to finally leave from the horrifying duties of an omega.

"Uh, you need to take care of yourself." She kissed my cheeks and then my hands. "And stop over-working. Let the others take care of all this bullshit."

"Mom," I sighed. "You know what happened the last time I questioned someone inside the house, right?" I reminded her of the little incident with Brian who then almost killed me.

"Yes, yes, but still, Clara, you're getting weak." She rubbed my cold hands, warming them.

"I'm fine, Mom and everything will be much better soon enough." I smiled at her, remembering the agreement that had taken place between me and the Alpha.

If everything went my way—or the right way, Mom could return in everyone's good graces and we both would be respected.

That was all that I wanted.



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