Chapter 31

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My eyes cracked open once more. By the time I was awake again, there was a burning in my chest and it only furthered when my gaze swept across the full moon staring right back at me from the stretched window in front of me. I screamed loud and hard while trying to pry away from the moon and its memories. It only took a minute to trigger the memory of my Dad, and the night he did and when it was triggered, I just didn't hear my screams but the screams of him that echoed louder than mine.

"No, no," I shut my eyes while whispers left my mouth. Lines of tension appeared over my forehead as I scrunched my face.

The window didn't have any curtains to it and ropes bound my hands from my covering my eyes whenever I opened them. Countless screams left my mouth. I gathered some energy and lifted myself off the ground only to fall on the other side of the—cell. Bile rose up my dried throat as I continued.

Tears left my eyes, watering down my cheeks like rain pouring down on the streets. My Dad's startled face appeared in front of me before his blood dripped off his body and he slipped onto the ground right beside me. I cried more, lying on the poodle of his blood while his death impaled me, over and over again.

My palms bled out as I pushed my nails in too deep, trying to feel any real pain. The glimpse of the full moon ate away my sanity, driving me to the edge where I couldn't think of anything but the night my Dad died. It wrecked me and tore my insides.

I slammed my eyes shut and opened them again after a moment to find the blood underneath me gone. My head lifted and I met with him—my Dad.

He stretched out his hand, "Come on, it's time to go. Let's not get late, Clara. It's very dangerous." He whispered while waiting for me to get up.

I pushed my knee under my body and without being able to use my hands, I sat up straight. Every muscle in my body throbbed but by the time I was almost on my feet, he died, again.

"No, no, no." I cried, pushing myself forward. "Please, don't go!"

The night repeated over and over and for as long as the full moon gawked at me, it didn't stop. It had no end. Whenever I closed my eyes, I saw my Dad in the forest, getting attacked by the rogue that ended him and whenever I opened my eyes, I saw him standing and waiting for me but every time I failed him and he died.

I didn't know how much time passed by but when the sky began getting light, I knew for a fact that it was over. I kept my eyes wide open, staring at the wooden ceiling above me while the voices of Dad began slowly disappearing away. I always fled away from the moon but this time, I couldn't and it destroyed me.

Even when it was gone, I could still see it—the memories of my own past haunting me—now for the rest of my life than just a single day.

My wrists ached from the ropes. I managed to loop my restrained hands through my legs and move them forward but by the time I did, everything was already over. When the morning arrived, I finally found some peace and managed to catch on some sleep before the moon swept all of me once more.

More time passed by.

I moved from one corner of the small room to another while holding my knees to my chest. There were walls on all four sides and there was a door opposite the window that ruined my life. When I became more aware of my situation, I found a bed by the window and basin on its right but avoided using any of it.

This was a room for prisoners.

More light poured out of the window, cascading down on the ground where I found a few marks of blood or paint smeared across. My stomach rumbled and I quickly moved away from the spots. Someone had been killed in here, murdered by the Alpha.

A few more hours passed by, the hunger inside me got worse and worse to the point where I felt my stomach chewing on itself. I, not only had to feed myself but also my child. My mouth turned parched, my throat begging for a drop of water. I made no sound, keeping my screams to myself. The event of last night ate up most of my energy, leaving me with barely anymore.

I tried to stay sane but the silence was driving me insane.

Every few minutes, I said something to myself, just a small whisper to keep myself conscious and alive. I regretted every decision, every choice I made over the past few weeks. The tears of grief continued to slip from my eyes, making it worse.

I could've been the better person for once and I could've avoided this all.

A voice broke through the silence. I struggled to rise up on my feet as my ears perked at the source of the sound that came from behind the door. My heart raced. Tears burned down my cheeks. It was after a very long time that I heard something.

The sun had gone, the night had returned and a day had passed by since I had been bought here. I held onto the energy I needed to run or escape if someone left the door open for me. As much as I deserved to be punished, I couldn't stay here or anywhere near the town.

I wanted to leave.

Keys shackled before entering the lock on the other side of the door. The little light shadowing in from the window allowed me to see the foundations and the hems of the walls surrounded. I held my breath back and pushed my knees onto the ground while my hands stayed steady over the air, readying themselves to lunge and escape.

But I couldn't.

The person behind the door, to my dismay, was the Alpha and as he entered, I fell back down in defeat. He gave me a withering glare before the door slid shut and he approached the window. I felt my throat closing up at his presence and words leaving me. My eyes followed to where he went.

He stood above me, his hands behind his back and his gaze narrowed.

"I'm sorry." I choked out. "I had no control—"

"There is nothing you need apologize for," He whispered before his fingers snaked across my wet cheeks and he bent towards me. "I know you have been stressed. Way beyond more than you can take. I'm just going to help you." He moved behind me while still holding my face in his hands.

The hair over my skin trembled as he gave me a brutal, unfriendly stare. I didn't move. He didn't let me. He inched closer, seizing my throat and raising my head till our eyes met. He reflected with bitterness. My back pressed against his chest. I let out an icy, ragged breath as his grip tightened.

His free hand reached back, pulling out something. My gaze averted to find a bottle in his hand. He plopped it open and I quickly tried to shamble away knowing what exactly he was going to do to me.

"No, no!" I exclaimed, kicking my hands in the air. His jaw tightened with anger. He grabbed on me harder, forcing his fingers deep into my neck till I couldn't move. "No. Don't kill me, please." I begged as tears soaked my cheeks. "Please."

"You won't feel anything. I promise." He said, parting my lips.

I bit down on his hands, hoping it would cause him some delay but he ignored the pain and went ahead. The scent of the liquid inside the bottle reached up to my nostrils. It was silver—pure silver, one that could kill a wolf immediately.

I shut my mouth tight and pushed myself back while shaking my head. As soon as there was a gap, I fled away from him. He sighed and grabbed my loose leg that forced me back on the ground. My body slumped.

"Please, don't." I pleaded.

He held my hands down before hovering on top of me. My heart squeezed tight. Regrets assailed me and guilt flooded through my veins.

"Don't make this harder, Clara. There is always a price to pay." He spoke without any anger. His voice sounded comforting but I knew it was just there so he could go ahead and kill me without any issues.

"I'm pregnant."

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