Chapter 12

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It was Tuesday again. I found my way to Mom myself as she couldn't come to pick me up. It was a long walk across the town but it was worth it.

The omegas were having a meeting, right when I arrived. I joined them without uttering a word to Mom. She was a little busy in talking with the rest omegas.

"Hero of the night," Uncle Hawk said while throwing his heavy arm over my shoulder. "If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have gotten the names." He continued, giving me a small smile.

I let out a huff. "Have you chosen the wolves that are going to be poisoned?" I was simply curious and I had a name of my own, someone I really wanted to crush.

It was Brian, the dirty fucker who had made my week a living hell. He hadn't given me a break even after the Alpha had lectured him. He had harassed me at the school more than a thousand times and even tore a couple of my books when he found out I had been given a room on the upper floor of the house.

I wanted to poison him.

"We are still choosing. It's a hard task." Uncle Hawk responded while rubbing his short beard.

My ears turned up when my Mom began speaking again. "We will be winning and this, this poison is just the beginning of our ruling." The omegas rooted for her. There wasn't a single one that was against her. No one. "Once we bring everyone down, this pack will be ours and we can live however we wish."

I wanted to tell her that I had found her freedom, I had found a way to release her from this all, I had found her escape but I couldn't anymore—not when she was planning against the Alpha and his entire pack.

It was already too late.

The plan had been in action for months. It was too late to stop any of them, including my own Mother.

The omegas howled slowly in a union while cheering. Mom walked away from the fireplace and approached me. She clasped her arms over my shoulders and hugged me tight.

"My baby's here." She kissed my cheeks and said.

"I've been here for long." I taunted.

"Sorry I couldn't get to you," She placed her hand over my back and took me inside her room and away from the omegas that were having a party of their own. "I was giving out the names. They are mostly high-ranked wolves and a few other."

As Mom sat on a seat, she gave me her own list of names, the ones she had chosen to poison. I slowly sat down beside her while a few questions formed in my head.

"What is the venom, Mom?" My hand curled tighter around the list while I looked up straight at her. I wanted to know a few details.

"It's called Pynine," She handed over the small bottle and I took a sniff of it. It was disgusting. My stomach churned and my face scrunched as the smell. "It's deprived from a poisonous plant and the claws of a rogue. The plant is used to weaken a wolf's bones and a rogue's claw has a little venom at the edge that stops a werewolf from shifting." She explained casually. I understood a bit. There were a few things that could be found in the nature to weaken a werewolf apart from the usual silver that was used worldwide.

"How do you know it would work?"

"Because it has been tested before—on rogues, of course but the results are great!" There was a lace of hesitation in her tone, as if she was not sure herself.

"But these are stronger wolves, Mom."

"That's why we are using it in a party, a party that's being thrown by the Alpha. If it works, we will know and if it doesn't, then we will have to continue improving the poison." She explained, patting my arm. "Check out the list."

I picked up the pages from my lap and leveled it to my eyes. There weren't many names, only a few—fifty to be exact, all of them coming from different families and bloodlines.

"Mom, you can't poison the Alpha!" I snapped as I read the name at the bottom. "No. This is—not good and you're going to mess it up for sure."

"Clara, it's fine."

"No, Mom, he's an Alpha. It's not going to work and you will get busted. Please, just leave him out of this." I pleaded, hoping she would agree or we would have another problem to deal with.

I was trying to get pregnant from the same man my Mother wanted to poison. My body turned hot and warm while I wanted for Mom to agree with me.

"Fine, fine, I'll remove him from the list. But you have to give me another name." She snatched the papers from my hand and crossed the Alpha's name.

"Brian—the Beta, perfect. He should get a taste of his own medicine for once." I didn't think, not for a second.

Mom looked grim when I gave his name. "What has he done to you?" She asked.

"Nothing. I just hate him."

"Fine. You can take control and poison him yourself."

"What?!" My eyes bulged out and my skin pricked. "No. Not me. I'm not getting involved in this. I live in that house and if anyone gets a glimpse, I'm doomed for life." I over-reacted, I really did.

The Alpha did promise to protect me but I wasn't sure whether that he would consider the agreement when I'd go behind his back and poison his Beta.

"People have been complaining, Clara. You have to show some support to the rest omegas." Mom huffed and shook her head. "Everyone is participating in this. You should too. Do you want the gold or the tacky silver?"

By tacky silver she meant the silver that was used to burn wolves and hurt them to the point they would die. No one wanted silver in this world. Not even me.

"Gold." I replied, looking away.

"Then do it. You will not get caught. I know my daughter well." She reached closer and tightened her grip around my arm. "She's smart and she can handle anything, right?"

With a terrified breath, I nodded, "Yeah."

I wasn't scared of killing Brian accidentally but I was scared of the Alpha finding out what I had been doing behind his back. What would he do then?

After I spoke with Mom for a bit more, I learned more about the omegas scheme. They would poison the chosen wolf's drink and then mingle with the other wolves to act innocent. Once the venom would reach their stomach's, it would slowly weaken them and by morning, they would be confused on what happened to them.

At the end of everything, the omegas couldn't be caught without any proof and everyone would simply think that a virus had spread through the town.

If everything were to be a success, doses of the poison would be made and more wolves would get weaker. In a span of a couple months, the wolves controlling this town would be bed-ridden, unable to shift and they'd began to smell nasty.

On the other hand, we—omegas, would rule.

I didn't believe in anything nor I saw this turning into a success so after speaking with Mom, I went straight back into the house and to the Alpha.

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