Chapter 37

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After having a quiet breakfast with Nora, I headed back to my room with nothing but time in my hands. I missed the good days, where I wasn't forced into a house for the rest of my life—or until the Alpha decided he was done with me. The last night's accident repeated when I crossed the hallway where Brian decided to almost murder me in plain sight.

It got me into thinking. Mom told me the poison wasn't that harmful. It couldn't take one's wolf away, nowhere near that. It was only supposed to weaken the one poisoned and it's wolf.

Nothing more.

Unless she lied to me.

I huffed out a breath and gave my head a shake. Who knew? Maybe Mom did know the poison could kill one's wolf, maybe she did lie to me about the strength of the poison she and Uncle Hawk were cooking up since the beginning of time.

Either way, it didn't matter anymore. The poison was seized, probably destroyed and there was no one else that was going to get affected by the hands of my own mother.

I walked across the hallway and stopped by the Alpha's office. My fingers rolled around the handle of the door and I twisted it once but it didn't flung open like it usually did. Why would he lock it? Was it because of me? I hadn't even snooped in his office for over weeks. Or was there something inside?

My suspicion grew. Mischief crept inside me as I slipped into a trance. There was always something I hated about people hiding things, no matter how small or big. I was always curious to know and nothing stopped me until I knew.

There were things the Alpha was hiding himself and if it wasn't for Nora, I wouldn't have ever known about the truth of his faux mate. I could understand why he wanted to keep it a secret.

Having a mate was a weakness for every Alpha—never a strength.

A slow burn rose inside me as I went back into his room that was welcoming enough compared to his office that was locked. When I drifted to his drawers and opened them, all the frames I had once seen were gone missing. A gasp left my lips and I propped back while my hands continued to shift through the rest of the contents inside the drawer.

Did he know?

The frames weren't even there when I snooped around his room a month ago, at the orders of Mom but suddenly, they were there and then they weren't.

I shut the drawers and continued with exploring the rest of the room. It wasn't like I had anything else to do. I wasn't allowed in school nor I was allowed to step out of the house without getting caught by one of the hundred guards standing out. Who could blame me? I would've turned crazy by now if it wasn't for Nora helping me out. I had to move myself in order to be sane and alive.

I glanced underneath the large, made bed and found a wooden box stored in. Pulling it out, I went through the papers. Nothing. There were a dozen of old pack papers that belonged to the late Alpha of the pack—Clayton Hughes.

As my memory served, he was a kind man who had his own ethics and rules. During his time as an Alpha, omegas weren't treated as bad as they were now. They were given with everything, land, food, jobs and even positions if one could prove themselves and their strength.

I sighed and thrusted the wooden box back underneath the bed before getting off my knees and standing up straight. My hands rested over my hips as I swirled around the room that had probably been wiped clean by the Alpha once he learned I couldn't get my hands off his things.


I lowered my eyes and immediately caught the attention of something poking out from the sheets over the bed. I jumped up over the bed and rushed to the other corner while my hands snaked along with me. It was a book, a small book stored under the lining of the mattress that was then covered with a thick comforter.

Bells of achievement rang in my hand. I grabbed the comforter, rolled it and threw it aside on the bed before peeling off one of the sheets. My heart beat hard. Numerous thoughts collected in my head.

Why would the Alpha be hiding something in his own bed when there were only two people in this house, excluding him? And what possible could be inside the book?

When I pulled out two sheets, the book was still covered. God. I grabbed the end of the sheet and just before I could tear it away from the mattress, another hand came down over mine, stopping me.

My chest tightened as my heart drummed. Drops of sweat formed on my temple before I slowly moved my head around, facing the Alpha who had just caught me blindsided—in his room, on his bed, sneaking. The frustration was clear in his eyes. He wasn't angry. His face didn't flare and nor did his mouth run wild like usual.

"I—I just thought of changing your sheets. They must've been dirty for so long." I smiled at him, hoping the excuse would work.

He came in close. I closed my eyes as my heart sparked. His body was inches apart from exploring mine over his bed, where we initially did it first. But the heat died down and steered away when the Alpha moved with the book in his hand—the one I was trying to reach.

My eyes fixed around it. It was a small one, leather back and front with dirt brown papers poking out of it from every direction possible.

The Alpha offered it to me and that was when I furrowed my brows in confusion. Why was he giving it to me?

I opened my mouth to decline but instead, he said, "Read it."

I snatched the book off him quicker than ever. My curiosity calmed down when I went through the pages and the writings of old people. Wrinkles formed around my face. I was disappointed as I thought it was the Alpha's diary or something else but it was nothing as such. Most of the writings were by a pen and a pencil, hard to read and understand.

I didn't even bother.

"It's a book of advice for reigning Alphas that lead this pack. It's given forward to every generation." The Alpha said.

I scrunched my face before closing the book, "Okay."

"You are not going to read it?" He asked.

I blinked down, "No. It's not interesting." I shrugged in response. If it was something else then I would've but everything inside the book was written by men who were dead.

The Alpha sighed, "One of the pieces of advice that my family had given me was to mate with true omegas in order to secure stronger generations. My mother was an omega and so was any other female that had given birth into our family."

I hurried in a breath as my mouth parted. "Oh."

Maybe I should've read the book.

He stood up from the bed with the book in his hands before coming to me as I sat over his mattress, confused than ever. He leaned over and continued, "You need to find a new hobby and stop poking around. You aren't going to find anything 'interesting'." He quoted my phrase and the same tone I used when I realized it was just a random, boring book.

I titled my head and puckered my lips out while ignoring everything he had just said. My thoughts drifted. I slipped my lower lip into my mouth before biting it and catching the Alpha's attention. It diverted quickly. His eyes turned dark and full of hunger.

"Maybe you can be my new hobby." I whispered.

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