Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

"How did you have her location?" Wayne asked, his weight all upon me. Sleep shadowed in his eyes, yet his expression was bright and awake after I had returned from dealing with the rogues. He was uncertain—we all were but things worked out and Ronald no longer had the strength of rogues. He was all alone and by himself with his tiny, little army that couldn't attack us or even threaten us anymore.

I lowered my eyes to his chest and fiddled with his buttons as he straddled me to the nearest couch when I returned to the house. "I traced her number when she called me. It wasn't that hard. Hopefully, she hasn't run too far."

"And if the rogues kill her?"

I stared up at him, "Then I have lost my both parents." I breathed, accepting their fates. People came and went by. Life wasn't about mourning, it was about enjoying and doing right with others.

I did right with the rogues tonight.

Wayne gazed at me in silence for long. If I could from his eyes, I could tell I had been gone forever then just four hours. "And what were you thinking by sacrificing your own life, kitten? I would've killed every one of them if that ever happened." He wrapped his hand around my throat and tightened his fingers, showing me who owned my every single breath.

"At the end of the day, I'm alive and I'm still carrying our child. It all worked out." I traced my fingers down his cheeks, admiring him just a little more till we both passed out in complete exhaustion.

By morning, the camps and the rogues would've been gone. They'd be heading on their new mission—hunting down Mom and the omegas that had wronged them. Ronald was weakened, he held nothing over our heads anymore and we won.

My skin tightened as it slammed against Wayne's. He gave me another bone-crushing hug that snatched my soul away. I held my breath in till he moved and then released.

"I'm not going anywhere." I assured him.

"I won't let you."

We sat up straight on the couch and Nora got fresh juices to awaken us. The morning was breezy. The mist outside in the garden was still thick. The birds chirped around the house and the trees wavered. I collected my arms between my legs and took another long stretch while yawning.

When I turned to Wayne, I found him dialing a number. "What are you doing?" I asked and signaled to him that it was our time now. The chaos was over, peace was in the air and the only thing he needed to worry about right now was me and our unborn child.


The cell rang on speaker for a few seconds before Ronald picked up the call. Wayne handed the phone over me, and my heart bloomed. It was the first time I had achieved something so big and all on my own.

I was surely going to boast.

"How's life, Ronald?"


"You lost. Isn't it such a pity?" I pouted and cradled against Wayne's chest. We both smiled at each other and quietly giggled at the furious voice belonging to Ronald.

"This is not the end!" He yelled through the phone, and I moved it away from my ears while squinting my eyes at the sudden roar.

"But it is." I spoke. "The rogues don't side with you anymore. They don't side with anyone. You have nothing else in your hands except for loads of threats that do not matter. It is the end, especially for you." I explained while my pulse kept skipping beats.

"This is not the end, you little whore!" He screamed once more before cutting off the call and leaving me to laugh with my mate.

"That was some kind of anger." I giggled, throwing the phone over the table. "Poor Ronald. What is he going to do now? Team up with another pack? I doubt that."

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