Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The Alpha traced his finger across my cheeks and as I parted my lips, he slid inside. I released a small moan before curling my tongue around his finger that seemed to be a lot more smaller than what I just had in my mouth. The taste of his cock was still buried inside my throat even though he didn't finish in my mouth.

I could tell he had other plans.

"You learn quick." He whispered before slipping his finger out my wet mouth.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I licked my lips and swallowed back a moan. My nipples were aching, my legs were crossed over each other as I resisted the urge to touch my own self or just ride the Alpha. Whichever was easier.

His hand crept behind my neck, he pulled me in his arms and a moment later, I was against the bed. The control the Alpha showed in the bed bought another kind of thrill. It made me feel weaker than I was, it made my nerves quake and my pussy throb.

"Don't I terrify you, kitten?" He asked, planting one hand right beside my hand and the other one underneath my shirt. "That I might just hurt you." His fingers skimmed across my flesh. It was soft at first till I felt his claws emerging.

"Why would I be terrified? You're no beast."

"I might just become one." Streams of pleasure went throughout my body and I fisted onto the sheets beside.

With a chuckle, the Alpha backed away after his hideous claws left a few marks on my back. He pulled out my pants and rose my legs till his shoulders. I rubbed against his thickness, wetting myself further more.

He planted a kiss on my leg and then trailed his mouth across my thighs while his intense gaze was settled upon me. I squirmed over the mattress, closing my eyes slowly and enjoying the soft sensation.

He had been gentle.

So far.

Releasing my leg, he took my hand and made me touch myself. "Do I excite you this much?" My fingers feathered over my lips, smearing my wetness across my folds.

I clenched hard and pulled my hand away. "Way more than this."

He bought his hanging cock towards my folds. I held my breath back as his thickness rubbed against my clit, causing contractions. My hips rose by instinct, needing more. He leaned down and kissed my neck.

My breathing quickened.

He paused the strokes of his cock against my pussy. His hot breath fanned against my ears and he whispered, "When you scream, take my name."

Suddenly, I felt the head of his cock against my opening. Without a warning, he pushed in and sunk into my wetness. Tears filled up my eyes as my insides swallowed him in whole. He crouched over me with his both hands wrapped around my waist, gripping my handles tight.

The muscles in his arms hardened. The first few strokes were gentle, gentle enough to make me cry. And the next strokes following it were rough, rough enough to make me scream.

With every thrust, he pulled out all the way, leaving a gaping emptiness inside me before plunging his entire length back in. I felt myself tearing apart in two and my insides edging to a blissful orgasm.

I grasped his arms, holding onto him with my life. My teeth gritted against each other whilst I let out the sounds of pleasure.

The Alpha roared, dropping a feral growl before he pulled his cock out of me and turned me over my stomach. It happened quick. Blood rushed to my head. He grabbed my arms and restrained them behind my back before his cock plunged inside me.

He showed no mercy and became the beast I might have mocked him about.

I snarled loudly before letting out a scream. The tip of his cock struck and slammed me in the right place, just where the spot of my pleasure lied. He growled once more, a satisfied one, the one the Alpha would release if he had trapped a prey.

He really did.

Wetness dripped out of me, it's warmth tickling my inner thighs as it streamed across my flesh. With every pump and with every vicious thrust, I screamed, hoping—begging for a release, one I needed to have right away.

He bounded me with his cock. I felt the walls of my pussy struggling to take him anymore.

"Please..." My throat felt dry. "Wayne....please."

Releasing my hands, he seized my hair and leaned down before placing a couple of kisses across my back. I clamped around him. My screams deafening.

"Say it again," He hissed in my ear. "Say it again, kitten. I want to hear my fucking name as I breed you, over and over again." His semen dripped deep inside me as his cock twitched.

The voice, the words, it bought me closer to my pleasure—the only thing I could think of. "I need too..." I gasped, grabbing the sheets harder. "Fuck. Let me...please, Wayne." I moaned as my chest tightened.

There was a last thrust before he pulled out. I cried as my orgasm gushed out. It lasted longer than a second. My whole body went stiff and covered with sweat and saliva. With the help of my elbow, I bucked upward and took a few heavy breaths while returning back to the reality.

The silence lasted for a second before the Alpha grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me up straight over the bed. He placed his other hand on my face and forced me to look up.

Our lips touched and we devoured each other slowly before he pulled away. His lips kept my lips parted, my mouth wide open. He spit in my mouth before sealing his with mine once more.

I almost drowned at the action but continued to kiss him.

It took us a while to settle down. I pressed myself against the wall of the bed and rose my legs. The Alpha was away, cleaning himself. I heard the shower running and wondered when I would be able to see his entire naked glory.

My eyes slowly dropped shut and I felt the tiredness everywhere, even between my legs.

A couple minutes later, I heard the steps of the Alpha walking out and approaching me. He got on the bed and leaned beside me to check on me.

"I thought you would have passed out by now." He chuckled, shaking his head.

I sighed and turned my head to him. "What if I get feelings for you?" The question had bothered me the entire time he was inside the shower. What if?

"You won't. You've a whole life ahead of you, a very luxurious and meaningful one now. Men would be on their feet soon enough. Though, you're only allowed to date or mate after giving birth." He answered. "The last thing on your mind should be falling for an alpha who has done no good in this world."

"Really?" My lips curled into a tight smile after what I had heard.


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