Chapter 21

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Clara's POV

It was quite late at night when I decided to take a walk with Mom. It was among the first few ones I had taken in a while. The recent school work bought another level of stress into my life and with all the events happening, I couldn't focus much.

Uncle Hawk had been out since morning, figuring out where to get more of pynine along with another omega from the hills. Mom was alone at home, mourning over the death of her friend and me—my mistakes.

When I suggested that talking a walk would help both of us out, she immediately agreed and ran out to the hills. There was a designated pathway across the hills, made by an elder omega who lived here years ago.

Everyone could use that pathway while walking or running in their wolf form. I had my doubts so I couldn't shift this early and Mom simply didn't have the energy too.

It was silent between us, just like old times.

The longer we walked, the farther we got away from the town and the land where the Alpha ruled. There were no wolves patrolling around the hills so it was safe for us to leave and come back anytime.

The omegas were the only ones that had access to the outside of the town without anyone's permission. We could leave anytime we wanted to and no questions could be asked.

Mom crouched over a lodge resting by a tree and she pulled out her phone after receiving numerous messages from someone. The ringing bothered me as well so I stopped along with her.

"Is it uncle?" I asked, resting my hands over my hips while taking a few breaths. My heart was racing quicker than my feet could. It was good to blow out all my worries and wander about nothing.

"No, it's Bell. Let me call her." Mom answered before dialling her number and getting on with the call.

Bell was one of the female omegas living with her in the hills. They had a good friendship for years. As she was older than both of us, she helped us out with our emotions back when my Dad died.

And she was gifted.

She used an oracle to predict the future—most of her predictions were about nature, wolves and food so it wasn't something we were worried about.

I studied Mom's face while she was on the call with Bell. It only lasted for a minute and the entire time, she just nodded her head and agreed to whatever she heard on the other end.

When she was done, she closed her phone and tucked it back inside her bag. "Bell's predicting a heavy storm tonight."

I blew out a breath of relief before laughing, "I barely see any clouds up here." It was often of Bell to predict things that would never happen.

"Yeah," Mom raised her head and glanced at the starry night sky. "But we should get some wood. Hawk will pick us up on his way." She continued.

I stretched my arms and yawned, "All right."

The omegas weren't provided with anything except for houses. In case of storms, the omegas needed everything they could find to keep themselves safe for the rest of the month. Wood was greatly used among them during winters.

Instead of moving along with Mom, I paused and studied my surroundings. A voice reached up to my ear and then a scent.

"There's a rogue here," I whispered.

Mom ran back to me and pulled me behind a tree while I tried to track down the location of the rogue that was wandering around at this time of the night.

Since the land didn't belong to anyone, rogues could easily come in and go out, just like omegas. There were no restrictions to it.

I raised my hand, directing my slender finger towards the rogues that was walking around. He hadn't seemed to notice us—just yet. I stayed silent and waited for Mom to make her move. There was bloodlust in her eyes, she loved hunting down rogues since Dad died and since their claws were getting used to make pynine, she loved it just a little more than ever.

"Weak. Broken bones. Nowhere to go." Mom whispered, placing her hand on my back while she studied the rogue's movement across the hill.

I despised rogues. They were worse and they only had blood in their mind. They belonged nowhere. And they murdered my Dad.

We spent a considerable time hiding behind the tree and tracking the rogue. After a couple of minutes passed by, Mom pulled out a dagger from her sheath and handed it over to me.

My eyes widened and my breathing dropped, "Me?"

"Yes. Don't you want to ever hunt?" She asked, tearing her eyes away from the rogue for a single second.

"Yes, but—"

"Then go. This is your chance. Take him down. I'll be right here, watching you." She said, lifting me up.

I didn't want to be a murderer.

"Mom—" I tried to assert but she cut me off every time.

"I'm not asking you to kill him. Just injure him enough," Her pupils moved wherever the rogue went. There was no rest to her bloodlust. "What is he even going to do with his life? If it isn't us, your Alpha will kill him anyway."

Just when I began to forget him, she reminded me. I had to push him off my head for a night or two, till I could gain control of my own thoughts.

Mom wanted me to return back to the house and resume with my studies while keeping an eye on the Alpha and bringing news to her every day while she would work to increase the doses of pynine for everyone else in the pack.

In less than a month, everyone would be weak—weaker than us and we would be the strongest ones in the town.

"Fine, fine. I need a second." I stated, pulling my self away from her and getting up from the ground.

My fingers tightened themselves around the dagger as I carried it around me while tracking the rogue at the same time. He was heading away from the pathway, knowing someone would find him and kill him.

Poor rogue.

I made silent steps towards him from the back and occasionally hid behind a tree whenever he turned around. Something sinister grew inside me as I stalked my prey for the night.

Even hearing the word rogue used to bring back memories of my Dad and the night he died but tonight, it didn't.

When I inched closer and closer, the rogue sensed something and just when I exploded into action, he tried to make a move but it got too late for him.

I had him straddled to the ground with the dagger deep inside him. He howled and tried to pounce at me but neither worked. He slowly faded into a painful sleep as I pulled out the dagger, leaving him with only a wound.

"I didn't kill him, right?" I asked Mom as she came out of the shadows and helped me.

"No, he's alive." She replied before taking the dagger away from my hands. "But his claws, they are going to be taken." A smirk appeared on her face before she stole the poison off the rogue's claw.

My stomach rumbled. I gagged and backed away from the rogue. I wasn't sure if it was all the blood I had seen or the rogue's smell I had taken in but the dinner I had eaten earlier spilled out of me only after a moment.

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