Chapter 43

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My heart crushed into a thousand more pieces after hearing the Alpha. "Then who was it?" I questioned as my tears disappeared into the thin air and rage coiled up inside my stomach. I watched it with my own eyes, seeing the rogue take my Dad's life, in front of Mom and everyone else. There wasn't anyone else that could've been blamed except for the rogue.

"This isn't the first time your mother did something to bring down my pack. She tried several times and the last time she did, the rogues were furious and either they were going to kill her or your father. He offered himself to them and they didn't hesitate." The Alpha stopped momentarily. "The cause of that battle was only because of your mother and her omegas."

Tears welled, burning my cheeks. All along I believed it was the rogue when it wasn't. I was furious over the fact that the pack had given my Dad—an omega—to the rogues to end the battle but none of it was true. I accused so many people in the battle, including the Alpha. The death of Dad led me to hate pack wolves that were stronger and more in power compared to the omegas.

Even after taking it all in, I still didn't come to an end to accept Mom was a part of Dad's death. She loved him, dearly and she always convinced me it was the rogues and the wolves that killed him.

"Why would she do that?" I asked, slumping back on the ground as every bone in my body weakened and my blood turned into water. I was so proud of being her daughter, I was so proud of her.

My muscles knotted within me as the Alpha caressed my back. "It's what power does to a few of us."

"Why didn't you banish her?" This wasn't the first time and nor the last. The Alpha knew my Mom was going to go ahead and do something else. She was never going to stop and yet somehow, she wasn't banished or worse, killed.

"She leads the omegas. If I banish her, the omegas will protest and none of that will be pretty in the least." He replied, giving me a short answer.

My lashes fluttered aside the tears and I stood up after placing the frames back into the suitcases. It was a lot to take in and I couldn't when I was standing over the house Dad once decided to build for us.

"I want to go home."

My anger laid behind my clenched teeth as the Alpha drove me back into the town. When I reached the house, I fled upstairs and ripped away my clothes before entering the shower. The steam built up inside the washroom rather quicker, forming hot clouds around me as the water splashed onto my skin, the skin that had been touched by my Dad's killer.

I felt disgusted, broken.

My own mother killed my father in pure bitterness. Not once she thought about her actions and what they could lead too. If it weren't for me getting out of her shade quicker, I would've had the same fate as my father. I would've been killed by one of the rogues she used for her mission if not by the pack wolves or the Alpha.

The danger was still there and while I wasn't associated with Mom, her blood was still running in my veins, making me a prominent target for everyone she destroyed.

My eyes welled with endless grief. The warm water carried away some of my bitter tears but they couldn't wash away the link I had with Mom. My body engulfed in flames. Sobs tore through my parched throat. I felt the thunderous beat of my heart against my fingers as I placed them above my bare chest.

I cried out for relief as the shower continued to run above me.

I wasn't sure if I was angry or if I was sad but there was something inside me that burned right through my heart and it was never ending.

A small gasp erupted out of my throat before I turned around at the voice of the door opening. I placed my back against the fairly warm wall of the shower. The dim blue lights fell upon the Alpha as he walked in, bare and naked. The tightness in my muscles and the trembling tension in my stomach escaped, leaving only a deep warmth inside me.

The air bloomed with a thick sweetness as our slick bodies joined underneath the hot water that drenched us both together. He held my face in his hands while my hips moved closer to him. The mercy in his eyes embraced mine but the second I tried to flee away from the truth about Mom, it came running back to me.

I felt used and unworthy.

And the worst part was most of my nights were ruined by the rogue that I thought killed Dad. I never even thought about learning what had happened that night.

I turned my face away from the Alpha. "I'm not worthy of your affections." I whispered, my voice straining.

Hands bruised my cheeks as he forced me to turn myself around and look back at him. "You're not an evil person, Clara." He said, his fingers digging deep into my skin.

"But I'm weak." I argued.

Even if I wasn't the evil one, I was still the weak one that took every word that poured out of my Mom's mouth, that believed and supported her every cruel action.

"You're not weak or broken. You're strong—you have courage that I have never seen." He continued in a low growl before locking his jaw.

My knees wobbled and I held onto him for support. My eyes drifted across his face. Flecks of red covered his brown gaze. His face wetted with water and his lips called for me.

"Then mark me, Wayne."

"You know I can't."

"Why not?" I wanted an answer. Was it because I was an omega? Was it because I was one of the hated wolves in the town? Was it because I was a daughter to the woman that bought in so much evil to this pack?

"Because you're worthy of so much better, so much more and I'm not that. You hold onto your values, you honour the right and the defeat the wrong. I don't want you to turn into a cold woman." He replied with the temptation still mingling inside him and within every word.

"I won't." I shook my head, stating the obvious.

"I'll ruin you and I'll rip apart every last shred of innocence you have, Clara." His fingers tightened around my hair as he pulled them back and ridded of the distance we had a moment ago.

I raised my neck and faced him, "Then ruin me."

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