Chapter 4

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Mom took me to her house up in the hills, at the end of the town, where the roads met the wild forest and where all the trash—the omega's of this pack ended up.

There were small cabins in the few acres of land where the old omegas lived after serving the pack for hundred's of years. There weren't many, just a few as we were all known to die early.

Every Tuesday night, the omegas gathered till the sun rose and every Tuesday, Mom dragged me here, to sit with the others.

And to spill.

I was the only insider they had.

Vanessa and Zoe weren't a part of this group and neither were their families. The omegas that weren't here tonight were either dead or they preferred being slaves to the pack.

I sat down inside Mom's cabin, beside the fireplace and warmed myself up.

"Ah, it's always good to see a fresh face." Uncle Hawk patted my back hard, making me shudder before collided down beside me.

I hugged him tight. It has been two weeks since I saw any of them. Last Tuesday, I couldn't come as there was some sort of party going on at the Alpha's house and I was restricted to leave until I hadn't cleaned up everything.

It took me hours and by the time I was done, it was too late in the morning. I didn't see Mom that week but I finally did tonight.

"Tell me, how are you?" Uncle Hawk asked, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

I smiled, "I'm good. I missed you."

"I missed my favourite niece too—my only." He laughed while tickling me.

I threw my hands on him and tickled him back which soon turned into a war. Mom broke the war and handed us a cup of hot chocolate to soothe our nerves before everyone else arrived at the cabin.

When the laughs faded, Mom grew serious and possessive about me. "How is school? Is anything happening there? Are you able to adjust your homework with everything? Are they making you do a lot of work? You seem too tired, Clara. Are you getting enough rest?" Her hand stretched out to my neck. "Did someone hit you?" She asked, pushing away the hair.

"Mom, no!" I exclaimed, backing away. She was over-thinking. "It's nothing." When I touched my neck, it felt a little bruised and sore. It was only then I remembered that the Alphas hand was around my neck for a very long time and it left an imprint.

"I'm getting worried." Her voice shook a little. It was difficult seeing her bubbling up with any tension, especially one from my side.

"I'm fine. You're just worried because you didn't see me for two weeks." I replied, assuring her so her nerves could calm themselves down.

Mom was a fierce woman—she was confident but also bad-mouthed at the same time. Even though she was an omega, no one could tell that. She had her hair dyed in black, she had tattoos at the right place and a couple of piercings here and there. She displayed an image of a bad woman that would harm anyone in her way.

I was the total opposite.

I inherited my Dad's dirt blond hair and brown eyes. And I was a brat, wanting everything while my Mom worked for everything.

I believed it was the trauma of seeing Dad die in front of her that changed her to who she truly was.

She loved him a lot and watching him die was the hardest thing she ever went through.

"Leave the poor girl alone, Josie." Uncle Hawk took my side and kept Mom's paws off my body before she went further and searched me thoroughly. "She's here to rest, not to be attacked." He pulled me to his embrace.

I shot Mom a mischievous grin. The only man here who ever loved me was my great Uncle Hawk. Though he was out of town most of the time I came here and it was hard ever seeing him around.

But not tonight.

The omegas began gathering inside Mom's cabin soon enough and the meeting took place. After spilling the weekly news to everyone, I took a seat in the corner and kept myself out of everything.

My duty to this gathering was only to bring the information from the Alpha's house and pour it out to everyone, to let everyone know what was happening in the inside and what events were taking place.

I never felt like a snitch before but tonight, I did. I was making an agreement with the Alpha while on the other hand, I was going behind the pack's back and spilling my guts out to omegas who wanted to change their lives and avenge their treatment in this world.

I rose my head when Mom began speaking to the others. I was never curious about what the omegas discussed but for some reason, I was tonight.

"After months of research, we finally have our hands on the venom," She plopped open a small bottle and sniffed it. "A single drop of this venom in a werewolf's body will sicken him, rip away all his strength and leave him worthless, just as we are."

The crowd cheered at the reveal while I simply glared at Mom. I knew they were planning something for revenge or whatsoever. But I never knew it was this bad.

"One by one, we will bring them all down to our feet and only then, they'll know the worth of an omega." Uncle Hawk chimed in, standing beside Mom and a few other omegas.

My jaw dropped.

"According to Clara, there will be a pack party next weekend and by then, we should have more doses of this venom. We will be testing this upon a few wolves in that party. Shall it be a success, we will continue on from there." Mom continued, explaining a little more.

I blinked hard.

When the gathering ended, I grabbed Mom and pulled her out of the cabin. "What's happening? What is that venom?"

"You're really sleeping on everything," Mom laughed in response instead of giving me an explanation. "It's just a plan to weaken a few wolves. We are just testing for now. I need you to get me the names of those that will be attending the party.

"No! Why are you weakening wolves?"

Her lips turned into a thin line out of irritation, "Clara, we have gone through this a thousand of times. If you want to be free and happy, then we have to do this. We aren't going to rot here for the rest of the lives nor we will be treated like trash anymore." She replied, dryly.

"But—weakening wolves? That isn't necessary, Mom! What about the other plan to actually talk to the higher authorities than poisoning wolves?"

The last time I was here, the omegas were discussing about approaching the Alpha or the Beta to request for a little leniency, a better piece of land to live in and a few jobs for the abandoned omegas living here.

"That was discarded long ago," She shook her head. "We are going to go with this and don't worry, the party will be just a trial, to see if the venom works. We won't be harming anyone, not yet."

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