Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

The full moon held a hostility that night. It pulled me and my wolf towards it and it strengthened the connection I had with my she-wolf and my mate. We stayed in the garden, spending the rest of the night over the grass with our stomachs full. I spread my arms and stretched before yawning in exhaustion.

"This was fun." I said, lying on my back.

"We should get out more. There are so many things in this world you still haven't seen and it's beautiful, Clara." Wayne replied, keeping his gaze fixated on the moon and the sparkling sky where the stars never seemed to disappear.

"I really want to." I nodded. It was a depressed desire of mine to travel the world, live in nature, explore the depths of land we were given and appreciate the beauty. However, I never believed I'd ever had the chance to leave the town as I had nothing in my hands.

But that one agreement changed it all.

"I promise you, I'll take you everywhere. You'll never miss out on anything every again."

He turned to me, now all his weight upon his shoulder. I moved my head, parting my gaze from the full moon and onto the only moon I wanted to see tonight and for the rest of my life. His eyes stilled at mine and his hand drifted to mine where our fingers tangled.

I lowered my eyes and whispered, "I have decided upon a name."


I shrugged, "It's never too early. But of course, I want your opinion on it!" There had been a name roaming in my head ever since the gender of my child had been revealed.

"Tell me." He leaned in, all interested to hear the name.

"Clayton." I licked my dry lips. "Your father was a strong man and I had barely ever met him, but he ruled this pack for almost a century before passing away. That takes courage and strength and I want my child to be just like that—strong and powerful in the right way."

A smile appeared over his face, "I could kiss you right now."

"You could." I laughed.

Something in the atmosphere changed when he swept me in his arms and placed his mouth against mine in the middle of the night. Fingers twisted strands of my blond hair and heat swept over my skin like a wildfire in need of some rain. Before we went any further, I stopped and placed my fingers over Wayne's glossed lips.

"I don't want to worsen your health." I whispered, reminding him of the doctor's order. Any sort of intimacy was going to drain him from his strength and that was the last thing I ever wanted.

He pouted, "You are not."

"Patience." I giggled at his need that slipped from his breathy voice. "Just a few weeks and then, we can break whichever bed we prefer." I gave him a reason to live, and he lived.


His hands released me ever so slightly and I moved down onto the grass beside him while still resting my head over his chest. His shoulders softened and he loosely wrapped an arm around my waist while releasing heavy breaths to calm his wildfire down. The bubble of frustration was getting bigger and bigger over us, but we could live without pleasing each other for several days more.

The passion, the love, the respect, it was everything I ever wanted, and I got it all from Wayne.

There was nothing more lacking between us.

I closed my eyes, resting for a moment before Wayne's phone began ringing and vibrating in his pocket. I jolted up straight, remembering I had strictly told everyone to avoid calling him, even in emergencies but someone wasn't listening.

He groaned while pulling out his phone and attending to the call. "What is it, Magnus?" He questioned immediately while placing the call on speaker so I could hear every word of it.

"Sorry for disturbing you, Alpha but your mate's phone was switched off and we have an emergency." He said, his voice quaking in fear. "We received insider information. Ronald's taking the support of enraged rogues around the country and he's leading them to our town."

I jerked back in complete surprise. It had gone through my head. I had jotted down every single thing Ronald could do to cause destruction in our pack, but I had forgotten about the rogues that had been abused by the omegas during the process of making the poison.

They were probably furious.

"When is this happening?" Wayne asked, tensed. He looked at me with horror in his eyes.

"Right now."

I had failed him.

"Close the borders and have the warriors secure the grounds. Not a single living rogue should enter the town and no knowledge about this should be spread until tomorrow morning." He ordered while angrily standing up from the grass and heading back into the house. "Ronald is certainly meeting with his doom tonight."

I followed him while worried about his judgment and his heath. He had given me one task and I couldn't fulfill it properly.

The call was canceled immediately after the order was given. Wayne placed his phone back and paced in circles. Worry spread across his face and his body stiffened. I heard his silent growls spreading around the house. He was furious and he had the right to be. Someone was attacking his pack, after a decade.

The last time the pack was attacked by rogues was when my Dad died. I believed we only had a few fatalities before everything was set. But this time, there was nothing to offer to the rogues that had been abused by the omegas of the Nightstalker's pack.

The rogues were here again.

On another full moon.

After ten long years.

Repeating history.

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