Chapter 40

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"Move aside, Clara." His dark gaze lowered when the truth left my mouth and his face contorted with denial. He didn't respond to it. "Don't force me to hurt you."

I stood taut by the door, not willing to leave until I heard what I wanted to hear. I may have lied a thousand times but hiding this truth was a bigger lie than anything I had ever said or done. "Because you know if you hurt me, you'll hurt yourself." I heaved in a breath and continued. "And if you kill me, you'll practically be nothing except for a weak alpha."

He raised his head and his crimson gaze met with mine. "I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe the isolation is really getting to your head—"

"I know the truth. I know you never had a mate. I know that woman was just another one of your charity cases." I said, holding my hands out and against the door. My pulse quickened. "Don't lie to me. Don't lie to yourself."

He raised a hand and placed it by the door and close to my head before drawing himself in. I believed his acceptance was going to be my relief but it was nothing as such when he claimed the facts. "You might be my mate..." He bent his head and his dark eyes smoldered as he finished, "But I would never mark such a filth as you, no matter how much you whore yourself out to me."

I held my breath for several seconds as my blood boiled within me. Tears grew in my eyes, blurring my vision and my patience ran out when his words regestrited in my head. I threw my hand at him and struck him on the face. Tingles of pain spread through my palm before I pulled myself away while he stood, startled and surprised.

"Don't ever call me that." I lowered my voice to a whisper before turning around and leaving him with his own judgements.

For once, I felt tired of all the names and the constant torments everyone in this house put me through. I never thought Alpha would resent to harassing me along with everyone but he did, even when he was the bearer of all the truth's about me.

My heart ached differently that morning and my thoughts swirled in different directions as a numbness seized my body.

Minutes passed, then several hours and then days. The moon died out and the sun slipped back in, promising a new day while I clung onto the gloom. I refused to leave my room or to let anyone in.

No one even came.

Perhaps, everyone in the house was relieved that I was drowning in my misery. The rejection led me here and slowly, I found it hard to find anything good about myself. Even after everything, at the end of the day, I was who I was—a worthless omega.

I shut my eyes tight as the knocks outside my room grew louder. "I don't want anything, Nora! Just leave me alone." I yelled and my voice cracked with sorrow.

The knocks stopped for a second. "Don't do this to yourself, Clara. It's been more than a day since you haven't eaten anything. I know you don't care about yourself but at least give a care about the new life in your hands." It wasn't the first time she reminded me of my unborn child that needed to be fed.

"I don't care. Just go." I growled while grabbing the nearest thing to my bed and throwing it towards the door. "For fuck's sake, leave me alone. It isn't that hard." The lamp shattered into a thousand pieces in front of the door.

When I heard Nora walking away, I split into tears and loud whimpers. My chest tightened and I struggled with breathing. I grabbed the nearest pillow and stuffed myself into it while planning to spend the rest of my life inside, all alone, without anyone. I didn't give a care about anyone—not myself, not another person.

My eyes peeled open several hours later and when I woke up, I found myself hanging on the other end of the bed. A few voices reached me. I rose myself up and wiped away my cheeks before turning around to find the locked door of my room opened.

A hiss followed out of me when I found the Alpha standing by the doorway, holding a spare key in his hands. "Get out of my room!" I said while pulling myself on my feet.

"This is my house." He replied without any worry or concern in his face.

"Fine. Stay. I'll leave." I brushed past him and before I could even leave, he grabbed my arm and tugged me back in like I even had the chance to walk away from this house, from him—from my own fucking mate who rejected me.

"Sit. We have something to talk about." He moved me back on the bed and dragged a chair along with himself.

I folded my leg across the other one and placed my hand over my head to ease down the headache. "I don't care. I'm done being controlled and being bashed by you. And I'm no longer apologizing for what I had done. I'm glad I did it—you men deserve it." My face twisted into a cruel expression. "And if I had the chance, I would've poisoned you as well." I spat out.

The Alpha sat down in front of me. My words bought no effect on him. He ignored them all. "I'm sorry."

"What?" I questioned, loudly.

"I shouldn't have been hard on you. You're still young and after having a minute of silence, I realized I would've done the same if I were to be in your place. I no longer blame you." He continued with remorse in his tone. "At least not for taking your family's side and for poisoning Brian. He had it coming."

I cleared my throat and straightened my back, "Well, of course."

But that wasn't all.

"People have done worse here, a lot worse than you have. And I'm sorry for that day, I let my anger bring the worst out of me. But even after everything, there is no part of me that would be willing to mark you or claim you as my mate—not because of what you have done but because of what I have done."

I raised my brow. "Why not?" I stared at him with wonder.

The Alpha folded his arms together and continued, "I didn't tell you the truth because at the end of the day, I'm one cruel man that will destroy anything and everything. I've done things you can never imagine and marking you will only flood in more suffering than you can bear. It will make you miserable and it will damage you." His cold eyes stayed focused on me. The truth was behind them and he was being honest—for the first time ever. "Your loyalty aside, you are one of the purest around here and I don't want to destroy that."

"So, it's not because you hate me?" A part of me understood where it all was coming from.

"No. It's nothing as such."

I shifted across the bed and nodded, "Well, that makes me feel better."

"And to make things equal, I require your help in a matter that only you can handle." His tone shifted.

My pulse spiked as I peered at him. Was the Alpha asking for my help? I was surprised. "Would the banishment be overruled?" I asked, making negotiations.

"Yes. But no one can know." He sighed.

"And my child?"

"I wouldn't dare to take away his mother—you know that."

My mouth spread with a bright smile. "Then we are in agreement."

Several minutes later, I plucked the cap out of the pen and began writing the letter—back to Mom in a response to all her letters she had sent over the past week.

I'm doing okay, Mom. It was risky to write back to you earlier but now, it isn't. Things aren't fine at all. I really need you right now. I've nowhere else to go and I cannot stay here. It's a mess and I'm in danger. You're right, I have to run away and start somewhere new or the Alpha is going to kill me. Please tell me where I can come or meet. I miss you, Mom.

I folded the letter and pushed it inside an envelope before sticking it close and handing it back to the Alpha who then took it from there.

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