Chapter 39

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I took Nora's advice and for a minute there, I took myself out of everything and gave the Alpha his much needed space. A long week passed by. I avoided anything that troubled him, one of them being my own presence. New conflicts didn't rise and there weren't anymore arguments. I kept my hands to myself and controlled my hunger for snooping and found a new hobby.

My bump began showing through everything I wore. The cramps got worse and the morning sickness was terrific.

But the worst part was the mood swings.

One minute I was cheerful and full of life and the other minute, I wanted to kill anyone and everyone in my sight.

I sat down on my seat at the table for breakfast. My gaze peered over to the other end of the table where the Alpha usually sat—with another woman. At first, I was balled up with rage but I calmed myself, knowing this was just temporary and I still needed to give him time to forgive me.

"How was your night?" Nora asked, pouring orange juice in my glass.

"Great until I heard the sounds." My hands tightened around the thick edges of the wooden table and my veins throbbed with endless fury.

"Calm down."

"I'm calm." I gritted my teeth together and wavered my hands over my lap till Nora was finished setting up my breakfast. "Your advice isn't working."

"It will work. Give it some time."

I groaned, "He's in with another wom—"

She cut me off before I could begin shouting and growling about everything that made me furious, beginning with the woman that made the Alpha's bed over the past couple of days and that woman was no other than Beth—my own classmate. At first, I thought he was just sleeping with her to get back at me but then I realized, he was keeping his appetite in check and nothing else.

Taking in Nora's advice led me here. If it weren't for her suggestion, I would've ripped off Beth's hair by now and turned this whole house upside down.

"Stop. He's coming." Nora wandered off back to the kitchen while the Alpha came down from the stairs with Beth by his side. Their connection split me into half. I despised seeing them together, even if it was for just a couple of days or weeks.

It made me feel useless.

Why didn't he want me? Why someone else? Why Beth?

Beth was nowhere near a saint. Half of her life mission was to put my life in misery while I was in school with her. She didn't live without giving me a dose of her harsh words every day I went into class. She judged me when I slept with the Alpha and now she was doing the same.

The exact same.

"Look how the tables have turned." I blurted out, unable to hold it back anymore. My hands collected underneath my chin as my eyes wandered off to them both reaching the table. "Like mother like daughter, right?" I reminded her of her own words.

"Shut it off." The Alpha said, staring at me.

"Well, just because you whored yourself out, Clara, doesn't mean everyone else will. Some people have real feelings and emotions." Beth snapped back at me with the same energy, using worse foul words. "Not everyone spread their legs to get benefits. Wonder what your child would think when he'd grow up and realize his mother was a whore in disguise."

I fisted my hands into tight balls. My brows straightened and I rolled off my seat. My body went taut before growling and slammed Beth to the stone walls of the house for bringing my child into all of this—one who wasn't even born yet.

"How dare you?" I grabbed her hair and pulled on her extensions.

"Clara. Get your hands off her." The Alpha said quietly while standing away from us.

I didn't listen. I bestowed my fist upon her face and she rammed her manicured nails into my neck in defense. I moved aside for a second and touched my neck. Bringing my hand forward, I found it covered in blood, my blood.

My anger heightened and I chased Beth down to the ground.

"I will fucking kill you." I threatened, tearing her hair apart.

"Get off me, crazy whore." She said through her bruised lips. I landed another blow over her face as she continued with the vicious names. The rage I had been building up for days came all down when she triggered it with her words.

A hand came down, picking me up off the ground and away from Beth as she lay on the floor with her extensions scattered around her. My legs kicked in the air and my nails dug deep into the arms that carried me away.

"Stop acting as if you have lost your senses." The Alpha pushed me inside another room and locked it up from behind before I could even run out and kill the woman.

"I am in my senses. She declared it war when she brought my child into this. She had no right. She could call me anything anyday and I would've ignored her." My pulse quickened as I reached for the handle.

He tugged me aside. "Stop it. We both know you're in flames because of your hinged jealousy." His chest rumbled with a growl as he spoke. "Clara. You cannot do this. I don't care what feelings you have but you have to burn them and move on."

My heartbeat quickened at his words. He wasn't wrong. "No. I can't do that."

He grabbed my arms and faced me, "You have too. Whatever we had was over the moment you choose someone else. I don't want to punish you any longer but that doesn't mean I care about you. I don't."

"You do. If you didn't, you would've killed me." I snapped at him and raised my chin.

"I didn't kill you because you are having my child." His tone was steel and cold with no regards to me.

"No," My eyes wept with tears as I shook my head. "We both know that wasn't the reason. There are many other females that could've given you a child. Don't act like I was the only one." The truth came spilling out. He didn't just choose me to have his child. The connection didn't appear out of nowhere.

His eyes turned dark and intense. "You're out of your mind and I'm not indulging your insanity." He set me free from his hold and turned around to leave.

I blocked his passage and stopped in front of the door. My mouth went dry and I sought for some courage to speak up. It was hard but I still did. "I'm your mate."

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