Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

It was a group of six men, three standing, three seated. The Alpha, the Beta and the Delta—the one third in command. The men were all young adults, barely in their forties. Without any explanation, I spotted the Alpha, the youngest who stayed seated with pride and ego as every other alpha carried around with himself. It wasn't uncommon. Alpha's were born with all of it and it was in the blood.

"You should have kept your female in the sheets. This is no place for her." The Alpha said, his eyes lingering over me as I stood behind Wayne, simply observing although my intentions had a small change when I began hearing the judgments from strangers.

"My female should be none of your concern." Wayne snapped back. There wasn't a hint of anger in his voice even though I could he was bubbling from within. "What should I expect this visit for?"

"You have been ignoring my calls. That's a little rude, especially when we lead packs so closeby." The Alpha placed his hand over his chest and acted heart-broken from the ignorance Wayne had given him.

It was a rival pack and it was the same pack my Mom had decided to set a deal with. I never thought about it again but I assumed it never went through as neither of us needed their help in fleeing the town.

"What do you want?"

Ronald laughed and leaned back on the seat as his arms crossed his chest. "You still hold onto arrogance, Wayne. It's a pity. Some of us never really change. It was a shock to learn about this new drug that one of your own packmates had created to weaken wolves. At first, I believed it was bluff but the trials turned out to be good." He dragged his words while boasting from within.


It couldn't be.


"Am I supposed to do anything with that information?" Wayne cocked a brow at him, still keeping himself calm.

"I've an offer. Join with me and we can take over the world. You have warriors, in a great quantity and they'd be really helpful. I'm aware of the rivalry we had among our packs but that all can be set aside if you are willing to be with us." Ronald said, tracing his finger across the desk in circles.

I closed my eyes and sighed in disappointment. She wasn't supposed to give anyone the information about the poison or the poison itself but yet she did. The word was out and it was going to create evil problems among everyone in the werewolf world.

"I'm not interested."

"Not even a little? We can conquer all of it and weaken everyone. If being a God was a thing then we would be." He tried his hardest and failed.

Harming innocent wolves wasn't in Wayne's books and I had read them thoroughly. But I couldn't tell about other Alpha's—especially not the wicked one sitting in front of me. He had devilry in his eyes.

"I'm not interested, Ronald. You should find your way out of my house and my pack before I call security and have them escorted you out, in my way, of course." Wayne threatened as he stood up.

Ronald grabbed the glass placed in front of him and slammed up straight on his feet. He clenched his fingers around the glass as a frown appeared on his face. "Don't be surprised if your wolves are killed in the process then."

"Is it a battle you're looking for?" Wayne blinked. "Because if it is, I can end you right here and send your body back home to your parents." He moved forward and stood by the desk. His posture tightened, his muscles tensed. "Do whatever you wish with the poison but even if a drop of it reaches my home, I'll destroy you and everything you have. Are we clear?"

The other Alpha took a large sip of the alcohol before throwing the glass on the floor and creating a mess for a dramatic departure. "Watch and learn how to become the greatest alpha ever known." He let out a peal of laughter before storming out of the office with his men.

Wayne continued to look unbothered till all of the men had left. Once they did, he slammed the door shut in violence and turned. Anger boiled in him and bursts of heavy breaths left his mouth. I lowered my attention to the glass that had been shattered and smiled.

"They got a taste of their own medicine." I whispered.

"They got a taste of nothing, kitten." He sighed, walking back and forth as he steamed up and burned.

"Oh, trust me, they did." I kneeled down and picked up the broken glass. The alcohol that had been spilled was fuddled with and it was going to take a reaction in just a couple of hours. All we needed to do was wait. "I slipped in something earlier." I confessed.

Wayne froze on his tracks. "What do you mean?"

"I had a few of the doses in my possession," I got back on my footing and walked over to him. "And you only told me, they were coming here to boast. They aren't going to boast any longer when they learn they have been poisoned with the same thing as they were going to poison others." The truth tumbled out of me in clear words.

He stood motionless. The anger washed away from his face and as he realized what I had done, he grinned, "You did what, kitten?"

I placed my hands over his shoulders and leaned over them. "I poisoned them." I said, confidence in my voice. "This is all my fault—and my mother's. I'm not going to risk this and let innocent people suffer." A tremble ran at the back of my throat before an ache rose in my chest. My hand slipped to his arms and then lower to his scattered fingers.

"They are still going to have some amount of the poison in their possession." Wayne reminded me that it wasn't over it.

I clutched his hands and nodded, "I know. But, I'll talk to my mother. If she hasn't already given it, then I promise she won't."

"I don't want you anywhere near this."

"But I'm already here, Wayne and this is my responsibility." I limped closer to him and said. "I promise I'll bring a stop to her operation in any way I can. I'm her daughter and she'll only surrender to me, no one else." It was daring to even say that Mom would possibly ever listen to me. She never had but it wasn't going to hurt me if I tried and did things differently this time.

His hand left mine and reached for my face. He slid a strand of my hair behind my ears and came closer as I watched the tension recede off from him. "How could I ever thank you?" he asked, closing his fist in my hair.

"I can think of several ways." I melted underneath his touch before moving aside and returning to the desk that was only there for one reason.

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