Chapter 54

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My stomach was knotted in nerves, a thousand of them, tightening and clenching with every second passing by. There was no end to it. I called upon a few of Wayne's closest warriors along with the temporary, new Beta—Magnus and a few other high-ranking wolves of the town.

They all arrived in less than an hour and collected inside the meeting room beside the office. In the past hour, Wayne's condition grew worse, almost as if he was dying and there was no escape to it. He began to loose his wolf and the powers he were gifted with through his pure Alpha bloodline. He was a pure-bred, turning into an under-bred, just as Mom always wished.

Her whereabouts were unknown to anyone in the town.

But I knew where she was.

"Are you okay to do this? You don't have to. You should take some rest and maybe you'll better then." I said to Wayne as I placed my hand over his shoulder and gave him the comfort he needed.

His eyes turned into a dull brown color and bags formed underneath them. He took small, quick breaths and acted normal. Behind all the facade he put, he was in immense pain and I could see it, feel it.

"I'm fine, kitten." He kissed the back of my hand. "You should take rest. I don't want anything happening to you or the baby."

"No, no," I gave my head a shake. "I'm perfectly fine." I couldn't leave his sight, not even for a second. It was a risk that I never wanted to take.

His cold hand stayed in my warm one. I held onto him while his men walked into the meeting. All of them greeted him and questions began to linger in the air. No one was informed of the sickness he had been poisoned with but it wasn't going to be long.

I tried to put out a strong front, acting brave but from within, I was sobbing, expecting the worse, cursing Mom and a lot more emotions.

The men collected in the meeting room and the doors to it were closed by Nora. A pin drop silence fell between all of us. We kept our eyes upon Wayne and waited for him to reveal the need of the meeting.

"Your alpha has fallen." He announced and before everyone could start their chatters, he immediately continued, "I need someone to take immediate charge of all the operations while I heal. Dealing with Ronald who was nearing to the town, finding the omega's that have poisoned me, controlling the rogues at the border and ensuring that not a single wolf dies on my land."

The ground beneath my feet shook when I heard Wayne.


What were they doing here?

My heart panicked, remembering the last time rogues were near the border. It was almost the same situation. The rogues were furious about getting used by the omega's and they wanted to have a battle.

History was repeating once more.

And the full moon was almost here, in less than a week.

I was frightened of what the future held for us and worse off all, I was carrying a child with myself. Anything could harm the little boy growing inside me and that was the last thing I wanted.

I had to put myself together. I couldn't be afraid of anything, not when I was going to become a mother. Strength needed to be found, I had to and the only way to do was to come underneath the light of pure power, one that could show me the ropes and force me to breakthrough my weaknesses.

I needed to be brave.

With a final breath, I turned my attention away from the men and glanced at Wayne. "Do you trust me?" I asked after building up courage.

He didn't hesitate. "Of course."

"Then let me take the charge, let me rule what's yours and I promise I won't disappoint you." I offered while my shoulders stiffened. The silence fell between us once more. The men didn't speak or interrupt us.

They silence meant they were endorsing what I was offering.

"For as long as your promise to keep yourself safe and sane."

With grace, Wayne nodded and gave me the control he had held onto for decades. It released me from all the worries and freed me from my sour thoughts that had taken over my head. It snatched away all the doubts I held inside myself and gave me the spirit I had been looking for.

As soon as the meeting was over, the wolves rushed out and left with the tasks they were given to fulfill. There was a whole army in the town, a thousand of warriors with strength no one could match with, healers, possession of weapons and drugs that could weaken anyone.

It was a win-win.

But I didn't want to go into a war, not until it was needed.

After the house was cleared out, I sent Wayne into his room to heal and called upon one of the healers to check up on him and his state. From what I could tell, Mom could have given him a heavy dose of the poison and it was going to weeks before he could heal.

In the quietness, I brushed through Wayne's office and picked up on details that were needed. The threats Ronald was sending were all through mail and a few messages that appeared on his phone upon checking it.

I hummed for a few seconds before dialing his number and calling him.

If I could get through him, he wouldn't need to bring his army to us and no one would die. All things would be resolved.

"Hello?" He picked up the call after several minutes.

I cleared my throat on the side and replied, "Hello."

"Who is this?"

"I'm Clara."

"Ah, the whore..." He trailed off, remembering my name.

I rolled my eyes and continued, "I want to deeply apologize for my actions on that morning where I dropped in some poison and it affected you and your men. I have no explanation for what I had done but I want to make amends." It was a short, sweet apology and I hoped he'd accept it and go on with his way without attacking us.

Ronald laughed out loud, his laughs cracked through the phone and ached my ears. "Do you think this is going to help?"

"No—" I opened my mouth but was cut off.

"I'm coming. You and your mate will be destroyed by my bare hands." He threatened in a serious tone. "Unless..."

"Unless?" My breath hitched.

There was always something.

"Unless you walk into my land and allow me to replace Wayne's mark," He rasped in my ears. "I promise I'll take good care of you and no harm will come to anyone. I'll call off my men if you accept." He offered.

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