Chapter 18

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The control I had before the brutal fingering was made out of iron but after that, it was made out of nothing. I stayed in my heat and buried my desires in it. There was no hope. The Alpha's eyes were everywhere I went, including the washroom.

I felt dazed, my body was heating up too quickly and my mind was burning. Tingles spread through me. I found escape by chugging on cold water as I couldn't have any sort of alcohol. If I were to be pregnant, that could possibly kill it.

I didn't want to take any risk.

Another eye peered in my direction—it was my Mom, she studied my every move and grew confused with every second passing by.

"Is something wrong, Clara? You look pale." She asked, worry slipping into her voice in a sudden.

"No," I choked out a laugh. "Of course not. I'm doing perfectly fine." I rested my hand over the table and crossed my leg over the other one. My body tightened and my insides coiled up with the tension the Alpha had pushed me in.

Every male that passed by smelled me. The heat of my wolf attracted way too many people and I had to ignore every one of them.

"Why don't you drink something apart from water," She whispered, taking the glass away from my hands. "Here." She offered me her drink.

"I can't. I'm on a cleanse!" I exclaimed, pushing my hands out and shaking my head.

Her brows furrowed, "Why?"

I shrugged, "Just something—you'll know soon."


The party laid crowded, the music loud and the wolves flaring from the hype. After every twenty minutes, someone was on the stage, making some sort of announcement. Most of them were high ranking wolves, celebrating small things like mating, engagements, pregnancies, achievements and awards.

I was standing on thin ice, waiting for my own announcement. The omega title was going to leave me, forever and while the blood would still run in my veins, I wouldn't be called an omega nor will be my children.

It happened quick.

I was speaking with Mom for a minute there and the next moment, the Alpha was behind, taking me towards the crowd and renouncing my title.

There was a deafening silence that lasted for a long minute. The wolves were surprised—all of them. The Alpha didn't give an explanation as to why I would no longer be an omega.

He simply declared.

No questions were asked, not by anyone I didn't know. It must've been the first time something like this had happened. It was unexpected. In the beginning, I never thought I could change my title but I finally did.

I was a pack wolf—not an omega, not a warrior—yet. The difference still had to be decided. I didn't bother much with it. For now, this was enough, more than enough.

Mom stomped towards me. The silver in her eyes attacked me from a distance. I parted myself away from the Alpha and the whole party to speak with her.

"What the fuck is happening?" She questioned, giving me a suspicious look.

I gave her a hesitant smile. "I'm not an omega. That's all."

She took a deep breath, controlling herself. "How? What have you done, Clara?" Her voice rose.

I looked around, watching the other wolves concentrating on me. They could hear me, even from afar. Slamming my lips shut, I took Mom's hand and went outside, away from the crowd that was eager to know what I had done.

We took a stroll around the garden where only a couple of guards were found. During those couple of minutes, I spilled my guts out to her and her reaction—it couldn't be any worse.

"You did what?" She growled.

"Mom. It was such a great offer. He promised me everything—"

"Have you lost your mind, Clara?" She grabbed my upper arm and tugged on me. "What the fuck were you thinking?"

"I didn't want to live that—like nothing for the rest of my life. I wanted to change and the life I have now, it's beautiful, Mom. I get appreciated, I no longer run around like a servant and I don't have to bear the horrors of my old title anymore." I explained to her but there were not enough words to tell how great it had all been.

She looked at me for a long moment, her face blank. "Life isn't that easy. You've fucked up your entire future by getting into an agreement with that man." She said, helplessly.

"I have thought about it and this is all I wanted."

"End it."

I lifted a brow at her and moved an inch back. "What?"

"It's not too late. End it all. You cannot do this, Clara. This isn't right," A flicker of worry appeared in her eyes and she leaned forward. "You made a deal with a devil. He may seem good and all but that man is a devil in disguise. This isn't going to be roses and sunshines. It's going to turn dark real quick and you have to get out this—agreement."

An unsettling feeling sunk into my stomach. Her words stabbed me right in my chest.



"Mom, no!" I exclaimed, taking offence. "I am not going to do anything. I survived as an omega for years, took in everything, every cruel word and every hit, I took it so I get to be selfish for this once. I'm sorry."

Every one of my dreams were crushed and killed. I wasted years hoping someone or something would pull me out of the world I was born in. My Dad died only because he was an omega. If he was anything else, he wouldn't have been killed, his blood wouldn't have been shed and I wouldn't have to bear the nightmares of his death for the rest of my life.

I choose to be selfish.

I choose to not go on the same path as he did.

I choose another path, my own path.

"You were going to be free soon, you were going to get everything you wanted. You just had to be patient. We had an amazing life ahead of us, Clara." Mom shook her head and sniffed before taking my hands. "It's still not too late to pull yourself out of this. You will regret it all." She was persistent and so was I.

"I really want this."

My hands dropped. She took a step back and rose her chin. I glanced over my shoulder and found people leaving from the house, some of them that had been poisoned.

"Don't do anything. Not for one night." Mom said, sounding hurt. "Don't talk to him and don't do anything. I'm begging you. I'll see you in the morning and let's see what to do from there." She continued while waving her hand to the other omegas that had just left the house.

She had to go back and ensure everything went correctly. I didn't keep her waiting for long. "Okay."

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