Chapter 5

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I stretched my arms to the morning daylight. It was usual of me to be awake by four, sometimes even earlier but today, I woke up at eight, just a couple minutes before I could thrash around and leave for school.

Vanessa was gone and so was Zoe. I left them a note last night—to not disturb me in the morning. We had an elder female omega looking over us, keeping us in check but even she didn't disturb me or nudged me up from my sleep.

I assumed she had been informed by the Alpha.

I didn't give much thought about Mom and Uncle Hawk, whatever they did, were their problem. They wanted a few names and I was going to give them. It was cruel of me to be so selfish and careless but when I grew up in this household, I followed the patterns of others who were the exact same as I was.

I didn't put anyone at fault either way.

"The whore's going to school." When leaving, I bumped upon Brian who was getting inside his car. He was in the same grade as I was, the same age as I was but his audacity was way more than mine.

It was level I could never reach. Brian came from a wealthy rich family. He was apparently known to be bought up in gold and ignorance.

I stopped on my steps, something I rarely ever did. Turning around, I replied to him, "The whore's going to many places. You might want to start looking out."

"Wait for it..." He laughed off my insult and got inside the car before driving past me. The bumper of the car was an inch away from parting my spine into two.

I jumped on the sidewalk and began my ten-minute journey to the school. It was ending, the senior year. Graduation was just two months away.

Mom had many plans for me. She wanted me to continue my studies, get a degree, get out of town, become something other than an omega.

Who was going to tell her?

I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay. The horror outside the land of the Nightstalkers Pack was much worse than the horrors inside. It was much better to belong somewhere, be someone than to be nothing.

When I reached school, I was out of breath, gasping for air. I attended my first class but my thoughts were elsewhere, they were wandering through the flashes of last night, when the Alphas hands were all over my body...clenching...thrusting.

The heat.

I snapped back to reality when something light struck my head and fell down. Glancing down, I found a piece of paper crushed into a ball. Upon opening it, I found the five-letter word.


I kept my face straight. It wasn't Brian, he wasn't in this class and no one else saw me leave the Alphas room last night. Another paper landed on my head in the quiet class, it was another remark.

I turned my head quickly and found Beth throwing them. She mouthed me the word and then acted like as if she was gagging.

To think Brian wouldn't let the news spread.

I fisted my hands together. Anger spiralled inside my head and when the class ended, I approached Beth before she could leave with her group of friends.

"What is this?" I questioned, waving the paper in front of her.

"You were already a disgusting omega before but now, you're a whore too and everyone knows that!" She giggled. "Like mother like daughter." The girls behind her tuned in with her disturbing giggles.

Red flashed through my eyes. "Shut up before my fist is against your pretty face."

"Oh," Beth gasped. "I'm scared. Don't ever threaten me. I can ruin you in a second." She gave me an eye-roll before walking out of the class.

I took a couple of breaths, deep ones and kept my anger for another day. I came to school for studying, not to pick up fights with bitches like Beth.

All in good time.

I stayed back in the class. Ms. Kel was giving back the papers of the essays we had written for Social Studies last month. Even in class, we had a sort of caste system, the higher wolves were more appreciated and the lower ones were treated like nothing.

I was the last in line and when I came to collect my paper, I found a big fat B- marked over my essay, an essay I worked so hard on, an essay that was going to get me through this class.

"This can't be real," I scoffed while turning the pages around and finding barely any teacher's notes. "What was the problem?"

"It was a good essay but it didn't just have the voice." Ms. Kel said, forming up lies.

"No, no, I worked so hard on this. You need to go through this once more. Everything I wrote was in context and the essay was one—"

"Clara," The teacher cut me off with a forced smile. "You need to leave. I've to take another class. And, I cannot go through your essay again. The mark is final. Study hard next time."


They wanted me to stay here for another year and not graduate. I had already failed in one other class and I couldn't afford to fail in this one.

I clicked my tongue and picked up the paper before walking out of Ms. Kel's class. It was the last class of her that I was ever going to attend.

Instead of going to the next class, I went straight back to the pack house. The agreement should've taken place by now. I needed to graduate this year. I couldn't repeat senior year again. It would take years for me before I could graduate if teachers like Ms. Kel continued to take advantage of me like this.

Exhaling hard, I knocked on the Alphas office door and waited for his approval before I went in. Siding away the dirty thoughts for a moment, I went in after his command and placed my essay on his desk.

"Should I carry your child, I need to graduate this year and the school needs to stop treating me like a rotten piece of shit." I blurted out, without a thought.

I relaxed a little when my gaze dropped over the Alpha who never looked any better. My thighs tensed up almost immediately and my knees weakened. My pussy clenched over and over.

The Alpha picked up my essay and leaned back on his chair. "A day and the kitten is already demanding." He whispered, glancing at me for a second before returning his attention back onto the essay.

I cleared my throat, pushing aside the moan that was going to force it's way out. "I will demand." That's all? "And my demands comes from your actions. Let's not forget your seed is still inside me whilst I haven't gotten anything in return, yet."

He raised his finger, stopping me for a second, "Patience," His eyes trailed through the essay quickly. "A B- isn't that bad."

"It is...for me." I frowned.

He stood up. "Fine. What do you want?" He asked, placing the paper on the desk.

Distress caught in my throat as he neared me. I kept my focus on the essay. "An A..." It still wasn't enough for me. "An A+, I believe that's what I should get."

"You think you're smart, kitten?"

I nodded before looking up, eye to eye with my Alpha. "I think I'm quite smart and I know what I deserve."

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