Chapter 16

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Clara's POV

It was here. Tonight was the party. The preparations were going on since yesterday night. A few high-ranked pack wolves flying in were staying at the house, creating a noise problem. It was hard to get an ounce of sleep when surrounded by a dozen men.

My heat flew into me the instant second my wolf saw a glimpse of them. It didn't have to do anything with me. The heat came naturally to every she-wolf and since I was already active, my wolf was pushing herself to get marked—from anyone. She was too desperate.

But I wasn't.

Nora was at the door, knocking early in the morning. I threw my sheets aside and opened up the door. My weekends usually consisted of sleeping and just sleeping since I had no other duties to fulfill.

"I thought I'd drop this for you," She walked in with a brown box in her hands. She placed the box over the table beside my bed and whipped around to me. "The Alpha wanted you to wear it tonight."

I looked over at the box, curious to know what rested inside. "Oh. Thank you."

"Let me know if you need any help with getting ready. Your hair is always a little handful." She patted my shoulder, laughed and then walked away.

I pushed a fist in my nest and my brows tightened together. My hair was doing just fine. It only needed to be straightened and that was all.

As Nora left, I ripped open the box without wasting another second and looked inside. There was a dress neatly packed up. Pulling it out, I let out a long, silent gasp and then sighed. It was beautiful.

Why was it beautiful? Why did he want me to wear this?

I didn't need to try it on as I knew it would fit me. I had my fair share of dresses and parties but it would be the first time I'd be wearing one to a pack party than just wearing a helper uniform. Something inside me clenched as I hung it inside the closet.

There was a different kind of determination the Alpha was showing to me since the past two days.

It made me question everything.

After freshening up, I headed down to get myself some coffee but was cramped with stares from Vanessa and Zoe. I hadn't spoken to either of them in a long time and they were just beginning to get a little more judgmental than ever.

Vanessa was busy handling the dishes and it seemed like she had been awake since a few hours now. The clatters were quiet at first but as soon as I was done getting my coffee, they became loud.

"Do you want me to help you?" I offered after looking at her state. She could use some rest and I had all the time in the world to do some dishes and get the kitchen running. It wouldn't be the first time either.

Vanessa stopped by the counter and grunted, "No, Clara." She spoke sharply, a lace of anger in her voice. "Everything is good over here. Why don't you sit with the Alpha and wait while we serve you?"

"You don't have to be rude—"

"I'm tired. We work our asses off to complete our duties while you simply escaped all this by sleeping with someone," She spat out. "So yes, I get to be rude."

A frown tugged on my lips. "You don't know anything." I reminded her. This couldn't be on me. The Alpha favored me for his own reasons. I had to give up so many things to reach where I was now.

I never escaped.

"You're right, I don't know anything but don't forget, you're still an omega at the end of the day and you belong right here, with all of us." The coldness in her voice ticked me off.

As soon as she was done, she returned back to handling the dishes while the other girls looked at me, giving me a stare.

The odd silence and the stares inside the kitchen forced me to walk out. I no longer belonged between them and maybe it was time I separated myself from the omegas.

A few hours later, I was over the fancy dining table with no one around except for the Alpha, who had been hearing me wail about the scene at the kitchen over the past few minutes.

My skirt was ridden and my thighs were at display. "They are just jealous, kitten." He whispered, kissing my thigh and wrapping his hand around it. "Ignore them."

"But why they do have to be like that? Can't they just be happy for me? We were all literally friends a few weeks ago and now, nothing." I pouted, looking up at the ceiling.

"People change, Clara." He raised his head and pulled his mouth away from my flesh.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "So quickly?"

He nodded, "You won't even know."

"Could I request for something?"

"Go ahead. I'm rather grateful today so you're in luck." His hand snaked through my legs, fanning away the flames of my heat before someone else undecidedly claimed me.

"Could they not work tonight? Maybe attend the party with everyone else. You can get some other service or something, right?" I asked, knowing I was requesting too much. Seeing the other omegas work all day and night bought grief to my heart.

Last year, in the same position as them, I wished for an escape and was willing to do anything to not work around the clock, without any rest.

The Alpha was quiet for a moment before he responded, "Fine. Just tonight, kitten."

I cheered with my hands, "Thank you!"

He leaned in and placed a kiss over my knee before getting up from his seat and marching towards the door. "We will continue this later on. I expect you to be ten-feet away from any unmated male wolves during the whole night." He instructed.

"I will be," I nodded. "Though, the dress that was delivered to me this morning might just attract more men. Do you really want me to wear that?" I kicked my leg over the table and waited for a response.

He stopped by the door and turned to me. His sharp gaze lowered to my lips first and then resumed to my eyes. "Yes. You'll look beautiful in it."

My heart lurched. I ignored it. He didn't move his eyes away from me even though this conversation was long over. I clicked my tongue in my mouth and said, "You need to stop looking at me like that."

"I'll look as I wish to."

I rolled off the table and reached to him. My head rose and I kept an inch between us. "Is the big, bad Alpha falling for me?" It was simply a question, a question I didn't think about it much.

"I simply admire your integrity. Don't be delusional, Clara." He replied before turning his back on me and walking out.

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