Chapter 45

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I glared at the monitor to my left. "I really can't see anything." I said as I continued staring at it just as I did for the past five minutes. There was nothing on there but again, I wasn't a doctor and I really couldn't read any ultrasound scans.

Wayne leaned to my side and looked at the monitor with the same confusion in his eyes. Wrinkles formed underneath them as he squinted, trying to understand anything. "Maybe we aren't supposed to see anything yet. It hasn't been long yet."

"It has been over ten weeks. We are supposed to see something!" I snapped, sounding furious and irritated. Maybe that was one of the signs of a good, healthy pregnancy. Who knew?

The female doctor walked in and greeted us both. "Good Morning. Sorry for the delay, Alpha but let's see how the baby is doing today." She got on her chair immediately and began going through the snaps and the videos the nurse had taken earlier.

"How is she—or he?" I questioned after a second as I wasn't able to hold in my worries for any longer. And it had been long since I had gone without knowing the gender of my child. I was eager to learn about it.

There was a minute of silence from Dr. Angela before she finally went through all the images. "The baby is looking great! During ten weeks, it's about the size of a strawberry..." She moved her hand across the scan and pointed her finger over the small white shadow. "That is his head and lower is his heart. He's developing just perfectly fine and his heartbeat is normal as it's supposed to be." She explained.

I dozed off when I realized what I was looking at. A boy. My eyes blurred with tears and my own heart raced at the sight of him. It was right here and I couldn't even see it until the doctor pointed it out.

"It's a boy?" I asked, wanting to hear it again.

"Yes. It's a little boy." She shot me a smile before changing the images and showing us the rest of them.

The hollow in my chest filled up immediately and tears welled in my eyes as I continued seeing the images of my child. I turned to Wayne and cried out of happiness. Seeing the images was one of the beautiful things I had ever been through.

"I still can't believe it," I sniffed and shook my head as my arms wrapped around him. "It still feels so unreal."

"Trust me, I've no words. You're a remarkable woman." He grinned while holding me as the doctor showed everything.

There were no other concerns. The baby was doing great and he was healthy at most and everything was going perfectly fine. I had been worrying for weeks and weeks but after seeing him, all those worries vanished and the only thing that was left was the excitement of holding my child in my arms.

As we walked out of the clinic in the broad daylight, I asked, "Do you think I would be a good mother?"

Wayne glanced at me, "Of course. You'll be amazing."

I never thought I'd be prepared for having a child but the instant second I learned I was pregnant, I couldn't think about anything else except for my child. Growing up, I barely saw my family, only on certain occasions but whenever I saw my parents, I was the happiest. Then I was a child myself then and today, I was having one of my own. Time passed by quicker than anyone thought.

It had been over a week since I bore Wayne's mark and it wasn't just a mark he gave me—he claimed me as his mate in front of the whole town and presented me as his female. He gave me the respect I thought I once lost. He set the world under my feet and allowed me to rule by his side under certain circumstances.

Above all, he forgave me for my mistakes.

It was as if all of my prayers were getting answered right at the same time and there was no sorrow holding me back from enjoying my life to the fullest. The only sorrow—Mom—was still here, at the hills but it had been weeks since we made any contact. She learned about my relation with the Alpha and that somehow bought a halt to her mischief.

But we all knew it wasn't going to be for long.

Either way, I chose my side at last and even if it was wrong, it seemed right to me.

There wasn't much difference between Wayne and Mom except for that Mom enjoyed attacking the innocent while Wayne took justice in his own hands and destroyed all those that wronged him. Neither of their actions were justifiable but this was how the wolves worked and it was the sole thing that made Wayne an Alpha and Mom an Omega.

The driver drove into the driveway of the house and parked the car near the entrance. I stepped out along with Wayne who tensed up immediately at the presence of a few other cars near his house.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"Go to your room." He responded, his expression slowly turning stern upon glancing at the unknown cars which neither of us had ever seen.

"Why?" I walked behind him and into the house. Taking a sniff of the air, I stopped moving and realized the uncertainty that had walked into the house. Wolves. Many of them and from another pack. "Who's here?"

"Clara. I need you to stay in your room." He took my hands in his and said. Teeth clenched and his jaw hardened as he took in the same scent as I did. "I've to go deal with this—or whatever is upstairs."


"Ronald and his pack. They have been trying to pay a visit for a few days now. Your mother made a deal with them in regards to giving them poison. I suppose they are here to boast about it. I don't want you anywhere near this." He gave me a quick, worried explanation.

I looked up the stairs before directing my attention back to Wayne. "Let me come with you." I blurted out. "You promised my ruin." I reminded him.

His expression hardened and he groaned out a sign before placing his hand over my shoulder and brushing his thumb across his mark that had become prominent over the days. It usually stayed a bright red for the first few months before disappearing away completely but my body was now covered with his scent. With or without his mark's appearance, anyone could still tell who I belonged to.

And that was him—Wayne.

"You have turned into the greatest tease I have ever known," A low growl left his throat before he continued. "Fine. You can listen but nothing else. I know how to deal with other packs and if they learn your are my weakness, it won't go right from there so don't utter anything." He warned me beforehand.

This wasn't the first time.

There was a whole world of difficulties waiting for me right after I had gotten marked by the Alpha.

"Okay." I obeyed.

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