Chapter 32

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The Alpha sat on the other end of the room in the hospital. The anger appeared in his face right after I told him I was pregnant. The next thing I knew I was in the hospital, getting my truth confirmed. Even when I knew I was, I was still worried if it came back negative. He wasn't going to stop if I lied, again. His eyes were evident with the lust of my death. If I hadn't mentioned the pregnancy, there was nothing that was going to stop him from killing me inside the cell and taking my life right then and there.

It mattered so little.

I chewed onto my fingers while watching the door. It was wide open. The doctors and the night nurses were wandering around while I waited for the one who had taken my blood an hour ago.

A night of isolation had changed all of me, leaving a wound inside me. If it wasn't the full moon I dealt with and just a normal night, I would've still been the same—but it wasn't.

The Alpha didn't look at me, not even once since we left the cell. He avoided me, even when I tried to apologize and explain. It was as if he didn't want to hear me and simply kill me. I knew I had done wrong but this was not what I was expecting.

The same nurse from earlier walked in with a paper in her hand. She handed the paper right to the Alpha, whispered something that I couldn't catch, and then left without uttering a single word to me.

The Alpha scanned the paper before his eyes fell on me. "Get up."

I stood up with a ball of curiosity inside me. "I'm not lying." I said, following him outside of the room and then the hospital.

He stopped me right before we stepped inside the car and gave me the paper. "You should be thankful as this was the only thing that stopped me from ending you." He stated before getting in.

My gaze scurried across the paper. It mentioned that the tests came out positive and I was pregnant—for more than four weeks. Five weeks? How did I not know? I only learned about it when I began getting nauseous over the last week and that was it. In the beginning, I didn't want to tell anyone nor the Alpha as it was something I wanted to keep to myself.

If it wasn't for my life at stake, I wouldn't have told him.

He was a monster.

Instead of going anywhere else, the Alpha drove me back to the house. Just a small glimpse of it and I felt blessed for being back, alive. My head still felt numb from the disaster of last night and often, when I looked up at the sky, I found the full moon even when it wasn't even there.

When I stepped out, I found men at the gates, three on the right and three on the left, all of them armed and strong. The Alpha grabbed my elbow and tugged me inside the house while walking past the men that were never there before tonight.

"Guards are placed on every gate and entrance of the house and the security locks have been placed too." A man approached us and said to the Alpha.

"Good." He replied.

My brows furrowed in confusion and tense lines appeared over my forehead as the Alpha continued to drag me towards my room. As I went up the stairs, I tilted my head and looked down to find anyone but there wasn't. My relief was short-lived. My wolf couldn't sniff out a single soul inside the house apart from the Alpha.

Where was everyone?

Fear was raw over my face as I entered my room alone. The Alpha stood by the doorway, holding the handle as I went in—to my prison. "There is no one in this house except for you and Nora who's downstairs. She'll get you anything you want. My men have covered the grounds so there is no chance of escaping. Even if you intend on leaving, plan it after eight months when you'll be banished. And you aren't allowed to see anyone—anyone." He said before stepping back and closing the door.

My fear escalated and my jaw dropped. I stared at the blank, white door in complete surprise. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't be banished. A few minutes passed by before I pulled the door and shambled with speed downstairs to the kitchen where I immediately hugged Nora.

She grabbed onto me quickly and gathered me to her arms as I cried with a repulse. I tried to process my life but every time I did, I broke down into a thousand pieces. Living as this was possibly much worse than dying.

I dreaded telling anyone about the pregnancy because I was afraid that the Alpha would take my child away from me as soon as it would be born. And that was exactly what he was going to do.

After several minutes, I sat beside the counter, holding a cup of water in my hand while listening to the silence of the house.

What had I done?

"You made a mistake, Clara but the Alpha isn't that cruel to take a child away from its mother." Nora said, keeping her hand over my shoulder.

"He was going to kill me." The lengths. "Because I lied to him. That's all I did!" I exclaimed, turning to her. "It isn't like I killed anyone, Nora, I only lied and schemed against him and I know I'm wrong and I deserve to be punished but death or banishment isn't a punishment."

I could stay in that cell for a hundred years if it meant returning back here and getting to see my child even after all those years.

"I agree." She whispered.

My head fell over the counter where I shed a few tears of sorrow while releasing raspy breaths. I was right here, where I was in the beginning and nothing had changed. Even if it did change—I ruined it all myself and there was no one I could blame for the path I chose.

"I'm sorry, Nora." I murmured while keeping my eyes wide awake. There was no sleep in them even when it was the middle of the night.

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