Chapter 8

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The smut you all have been waiting for. 

"So, I can leave whenever I want too?" I asked the most dumbest questions one could ask. Everything was already written on the agreement but I still wanted the Alpha to confirm. I wanted his word.

"Only after you've given birth. Until then, I would prefer if you stayed near me so I can keep a check on you." He explained, in easier words.

"And about the child?"

"That's upon you. I won't take away your motherly right. As you wish, you can see the child, stay, bond or leave."

It was real. This was happening. I took another long moment to adjust while reading a few more things. The omega title from my name was going to be taken away and it wasn't just from my name, it was from my entire family's name.

I tore my gaze from the paper and looked up at him. Was he for real?

"What title would I get?" I questioned, acting less shaken and surprised.

"That depends on you and your skills. You don't have to worry about a title right now, you're still young and in your teen years."

The Alpha was right. The title could matter later. As long as the omega title was off me, I was perfect of being just a normal pack wolf. Usually, titles were given after the age of twenty and I was still two years away from that.

"I don't want this monetary compensation." I said, pointing at the paper where it was mentioned. It was going to be given after birth.

"Why not?"

"I want a land instead—in the similar range, of course."

"That's a stretch." He didn't seem pleased.

"Yeah, my insides are going to be stretched too after I give birth." I replied, giving him a smile.


Everything else seemed on point. I couldn't be killed on a battlefield nor I could be harmed by another pack member—during and after giving the Alpha his child. I could leave town as I wished and so could anyone from my family. I could see my child anytime and interfere in a few matters, if needed.

The downside to all of this was that I couldn't take my child away, anywhere. I could only see him and be around him in this house alone and nowhere else. And I would have I-gave-the-Alpha-a-child printed over my head which would lose all my chances of ever mating with someone.

"What about the mark?" I broke the silence. It was a worry of mine. I couldn't live alone for the rest of my life and male wolves would scurry away from me when they'd learn I had given an Alpha a child in return of a title.

The Alpha took a sharp breath of air. His expression turned hard. "The last time I marked a woman, I killed her. Now, I would not like to repeat that again unless, you want to be killed, kitten." He sounded dead serious.

I clicked my tongue in my mouth and nodded, "Right..." For a second there, I had forgotten that—that the Alpha killed his mate long ago. "Well, everything else seems perfect then." I arranged the papers and picked them up from my lap.

It was a swift signature. I did it. I signed up to the agreement which also mentioned that the Alpha could have his way with me, anytime, anywhere until I was pregnant.

That was the last thing I minded.

"Great! Looks like everything set then," The Alpha stood up from his seat. "Your room is still being prepared. It will take a few days and it's a few rooms away from mine. Once it's done, you can move in there." He walked over to me, a different struggle in his steps.

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