Chapter 22

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My first hunt.

A rogue.

My heart ran a thousand miles by itself. I replayed the scene over and over again. I hadn't hunted down anything—not even a bird while it was my Mom's favourite hobby.

She sat on the passenger seat in the front with Uncle Hawk. He came to us shortly after I stabbed the rogue and after getting some wood, we headed back to the town. The air was thicker as we drove down the hills in the complete dark.

As I peered towards the window, I found the sky lit up with a waxing gibbous, foreshadowing the full moon that was going to arrive in a week or two. I had marked it down on my calendar and decided to stay in on that night to prevent any more anxiety.

The closer I stayed with Mom, the more I thought about the time with Dad and how we were such a happy family. He provided for us. We lived together with the other omegas, as a family and went on long trips around the country.

As Uncle Hawk entered his truck into the narrow road, he slowed down and became careful. From a distance, I saw the houses of omegas and then the rest of the town.

My head turned when a shadow flashed through the right mirror on the backside. I peeked out into the dark and found nothing for a long minute until another shadow appeared.

It was of two, dark wolves.

Patrolling the hill.

"Mom, someone is watching us." I said quietly as I rolled up my window and turned my attention away. Why were they watching us? Was the Alpha getting closer to the truth?

"What? Where?" Mom spun in her seat with a snarl over her tight features.

"Just around. They were running across the hills and they were pack wolves." I replied, keeping my head straight till Uncle drove us back down. "Don't move. You'll attract their attention." I warned Mom and she stopped for a minute.

We stayed frozen on our seats till we passed another hill and reached ours. Uncle Hawk parked the truck just beside the house and we all stepped out once.

As soon as I opened my mouth, Mom hushed me down and took me inside the house. "If they are patrolling, they are probably stalking and hearing us." She said, panicking.

"Why would they be here?" Uncle Hawk questioned as he slammed the door close.

Mom locked all the windows and everything else that was open. "Because they are nearing to a conclusion. Why else?"

"Maybe they found the rogue I stabbed?" I cocked a brow at her while fidgeting with my fingers in panic. My heart squeezed in worry. I could've been caught if their hands landed on the rogue.

"No, no, they can't. That one's too far from here and its midst of the night. They won't get anywhere," Mom assured me before diverting her attention to her Brother. "You should go get some sleep. We will discuss the details in the morning. They should be gone by then."

It wasn't safe for them to talk about the poison or what Uncle had been doing since morning. The houses didn't have any sort of gates nor any privacy. Anyone could be hearing us or hiding behind the bushes.

"Goodnight." Uncle Hawk came down and hugged me before Mom. He headed out soon after that, leaving us alone inside the house.

I decided to stay in for the night and leave tomorrow morning and since I already had the Alpha's permission, I had nothing to worry about. He wanted me to stay with my Mom.

So I did.

I chewed on my lips while Mom made up some snack for me before I fell asleep. Minutes passed by and I heard thunder roaring through the night sky. I jumped up from my seat in fear and headed to the window where I found a storm approaching us.

Bell was right.

A storm was indeed here.

"It's pouring hard," I shouted while closing the curtains and going inside the kitchen. "The roads are going to be so wet by morning. How am I even going to sleep?" I pouted.

Mom smiled at me before giving me an absent shake of her head, "You are here—completely safe and you can sleep with me for the night."

I sat over the counter as she did a botched up job of making a chicken sandwich. I swallowed down any sick taste in my throat and washed away all the images of the rogue I had stabbed. It was the second time in the day I had spilled my guts out—literally.

And there was only one meaning to it.

"What's going to happen now?" I asked.

Mom turned, facing me. "You'll be going back and updating us about the situation at the Alpha's house every day. We'll be working here, creating more doses, enough for everyone to take. In a week or two, we will be freed and we wouldn't have to bow down to someone." She explained with confidence as if she had thoroughly thought this through.

"What if there is an intervention?"

"We have to control it then." She replied before walking toward me and handing me the sandwich she had just made. "You have to distract the Alpha from all this. He is the one behind all the orders. If he is controlled, so is everything else."

My eyes lowered to the sandwich for a second before I raised them back up to Mom. "What if—what if I'm pregnant?" My skin prickled at my own words and my heart thudded hard. "What should I do then?"

I knew it was by choice but things had changed now. I was in doubt of all the actions the Alpha had taken and I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue with this agreement. I had to choose someone and I chose my family over anyone else.

It was a hard decision but it was important.

And there was no turning back now.

Anything I felt for the Alpha was buried deep inside. I had no hope of awakening those emotions ever. I only felt anger—not only against him but everyone else who lived in this pack, who conceded with this unfair treatment to omegas, who allowed this all to happen—not once but a hundred times.

My fight was over last night. It ended when my title was changed but I was going to fight for the omegas, for my family too and I wasn't going to stop until everything and everyone was equal. Someone I knew was killed in blindsight. Till now, no one had taken it into account, not even the Alpha who I had so admirably believed was different.

Mom placed a warm hand over my lap before she leaned by the counter. "You'll be a wonderful mother, Clara. I know, I said harsh things last night but I wouldn't want you to do anything wrong if you were to be pregnant right now."

"You would accept it?"

"I would. Would you?" She asked me.

I nodded, "Of course."

"Then don't worry about anything. You won't have to give your child to anyone. It will be yours, only yours." She said, giving her word. "Once the Alpha is weakened, the agreement will be over and you won't ever have to see him again."

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