Chapter 6

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The Alpha took a while to make a decision. His indecisive stare was upon me when I spoke. A part of me was thrilled but there was another part of me that was terrified. It was dangerous for omega to even speak with an alpha, let alone, talk back and meet his eyes.

"Fine. Let's go and deal with your little issues," He inched closer, leveling my body. "So you can get what you deserve, isn't that right?"

"Yes." I swallowed hard.

His presence shook the flooring beneath me. It had already began to affect me—not even a day. Goddamn. As he turned around and walked out, I followed him like a sheep following it's shepherd.

Loose tendrils of my hair fell over my face. I pushed them behind. My heart continued to race. Was it this easy? Or was it just me? It seemed way more easier than I thought it would be. I believed I had to fight.

But I didn't.

"Get in, Clara." The Alpha said, holding the door of a car open for me. His eyes were no longer upon me, instead they surveyed the stormy sky above us.

I slipped in quickly.

He drove fast and hard, reaching the school in just a few minutes. I tried to be quiet in those minutes but my mind began making lists and notes of other things I wanted.

Somehow, I had the need to exploit this agreement. I had gotten my magical lamp and I just needed to rub it as long as I wished too. No one was going to take it away from me.

He held my essay in his hand, his grip tight as we entered the hallway of the school. It was fairly empty since classes were going on but I did find a few people wandering around and skipping classes. They soon hid away at the appearance of their Alpha.

For several minutes, we walked until we reached the principal's office. Without even knocking, the Alpha pushed himself in and placed the paper in front of Mrs. Miller's desk. Surprised, she stood up and greeted him while he crouched onto a seat.

"Anything I can help you with, my Alpha?" She asked, her voice trembling a little. It wasn't common for the Alpha to walk in school's, if he did, something or someone was in trouble.

The Alpha rubbed a hand across his jaw and then settled it right there before leaning forward. The few tattoos on the back of his right hand flashed. I stood behind, my fingers curled against each other while I curiously studied him. There was something so powerful about him and I just couldn't get my head to it.

"How many times do I have to remind you that we don't support unfair treatment here, Pauline? Yet, we have another complaint." He quirked a brow at her while she shuffled on her seat.

Mrs. Pauline Miller pulled my essay towards her and ran her eyes through it quickly. "I'll look into it—"

Yeah. Sure she would.

"No, no," He cut her off, moving back on the seat. "You're not going to look into it. You're going to make it right. Go get the teacher who rated this essay. I would like to have a word with her."

He was quick, right on the point and I couldn't help but crack a small smile. When Mrs. Miller dashed her head at me, I switched that smile into a frown to keep it neutral.

"All right. Give me a minute." She stood up and walked out of the office, leaving us both alone. It was rare of Mrs. Miller to ever get her ass up from her throne but she did today. We all only answered to the Alpha and no one else.

"Sit down." The Alpha commanded as soon as she left.

I skimmed my hands through the back of my skirt before sitting down beside him. Thoughts and several questions built up inside my head. I was intrigued by the Alpha and was eager to know more.

Seconds passed, he asked, "Your face is filled with anticipation. What are you thinking?"

I didn't waste my breath. "Why do you want a child?"

He paused and didn't say anything for a second. "Why do you want to score a better grade?" He asked, turning the table around and on me.


"Because I want to graduate before I turn fifty." I replied, smiling. Most of everything I wanted were small things, things that could make me happy and less depressed. That was all. It wasn't like I wanted to harm anyone or cause any trouble.

"I need to have a heir before I die." His gaze fell over my bare legs.

I folded one across the other one before my underwear could slip out and there would be a whole other scene here.

"You are aware that you wouldn't die anytime soon..." I trailed off, scoffing at his response. It was absurd. Alpha's died at the end, probably when they were around a hundred years or more. They had the strength to live for long, possibly forever too if one could preserve it's human body.

"Anyone could betray you anytime, anyone could stab you in the back and take your life. You have no idea what goes on here, kitten." A smile followed his reply. He hinted onto something and I understood it.

I cleared my throat and spoke cautiously, "But you have protection and...and you're strong. Why would you worry about death? That should be the last thing in your mind, right?"

I almost jumped when the door of the office flung open and Ms. Kel walked in with the principal. The Alpha didn't give me a response, he diverted his attention quick and fled away from my questions.

"Go outside." The Alpha ordered, to me.

I stood up and walked out of that office, leaving the teachers and the Alpha alone. My back pressed against the cold stone wall just beside the lockers. I took in a sharp breath and licked my dry lips while waiting patiently.

A few minutes passed, I grew more curious and the next thing I knew, I had my ear against the wooden office door, trying to hear what was happening inside. There were a few muffle sounds before everything fell into silence.

As I heard someone reaching for the door handle, I quickly sped away and returned to the wall on the side.

The Alpha stepped out, a grin claiming his face. "You'll graduate this year."

My brows knitted, "Really?"

"Yes," He moved closer to me, leaving no gap. He raised his hand and his finger traced across the side of my forehead. "We can further discuss this agreement tonight, my room."

I nodded and he began walking away. I planned on going back inside the principal's office and getting my newly-marked essay back but I stopped when I heard the Alpha speak again.

"Oh and you don't need to attend any classes. Put your head and your knowledge somewhere else, kitten." He said.

Did he just call me smart?

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