Chapter 19

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I hummed softly to myself before turning around over the bed. My stomach grumbled—not with hunger. There was a silence that kept me in bed even when I was awake but as soon as noises reached my ear, I got up.

The noises increased and I grew curious. After tying a knot around my robe, I went outside and noticed everyone was gathered near a door towards my left.

It came to me in a while that the room belonged to Brian. The same Brian I had poisoned.

I cursed under my breath and walked over there while maintaining myself. Vanessa and I were on speaking terms again after last night when we spoke for a bit. She wanted me to do favours for her and I politely declined but we were still doing good.

A guilty feeling crept down my back and I stopped by the door. I peeked in for a second and couldn't see anything as healers were all around the room along with a few other male wolves.

Turning back around, I asked Vanessa, "What happened?"

She shrugged, "I have no idea but Nora told me she heard the Beta scream for help early in the morning. I suppose he's sick or something. He can't move. Everyone's worried." She gave out as much knowledge she had whilst I knew the truth.

It worked. The poison worked. It weakened Brian to the point where he was bedridden. As much as I was supposed to celebrate and be happy, I felt no emotion—nothing at all.

I clutched onto the side of the room and took another glance inside. Vanessa stood on the opposite side of the doorway and occasionally looked at me.

"There have been some rumours..."


"Sickness. Do you think this is a plague?"

I rolled my eyes and swallowed my laughter, "Of course not!" It was taking effect to only those that had been chosen by the omegas. I needed to get some more updates before I could tell Mom about it.

"There was another male that had gotten sick from the pack. The healers took him somewhere before they came here. I think they are going to take the Beta to." Vanessa continued, her gauging eyes settled on the movements inside Brian's room. "If that isn't a plague, then what is it?"

"We do not get affected by any plagues." I reminded her. We were different creatures with healing powers that could diminish the effects of any virus or infection.

"You should go inside..." She trailed off. "Get us some information."

I stared at her with bewilderment. What did she think I was? "No."

"Come on." She pressured, placing her hand over my shoulder. She really did think I was something after last night.


"I need to know if I am going to get infected too. We were all in the party last night. Any of us could be next!" She exclaimed, real worry crawling in her eyes. "And we omegas die way quicker." She reminded me.

Even when my title was changed, I still had the omega blood which was known to be weak and more immune to any kind of diseases. I wasn't concerned about it much. The poison only attacked the body of those who had taken it, no one else and that was confirmed by my Mother. It couldn't spread.

I kept my attention inside the room and as soon as one of the healers moved from the bed, I caught a sight of Brian who seemed like he was nearing death. His face was blue, sick and he looked terrifying. He barely kept his eyes open.

I poked my head around, wanting to see more, learn more but instead, the Alpha approached me, held my arm and took me away from the room and crowd nearby the doorway.

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