Chapter 10

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It was a long hour at the doctor's office. The woman working there checked everything—my weight, my wolf, my teeth, my hair, my blood and she even went ahead and pushed an cold object inside me. After torturing me for an hour, she began with her questions while the Alpha stood beside me, eager to know the answers.

"Have you been pregnant before?"

"No." I furrowed my brows together at the sound of that question. She clearly saw me from down there.

The same, unusual kind of questions continued for another hour. She asked about my family history, whether we had any sickness or illness in our blood, my menstrual cycle, my alcohol or smoking habits, whether I was on any drugs or not.

"Well, everything seems clear to me. We will wait for the blood tests to return and then we can confirm that she's perfectly healthy." The doctor said to the Alpha instead of me. She tucked away a few papers and bought a few more forward. "Her family history is clear of any diseases as well. Although..." Her head turned to me and I knew what was coming. "How did your father die again?"

I studied her face for a moment. "He was killed. I've mentioned that twice already."

"Oh, yes, the attack of the rogues." She stopped blabbering for a second and then continued. "Did that leave you with any kind of trauma?"

"No." I lied.

"All right. Everything's good then. We should be able to see something in the following month or so." She gave me a warm smile while patting the papers above her desk.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. This was exhausting, in more than one way. I never even agreed to getting checked up and getting my holes examined. But, it was already done and I was simply glad everything came out normal.

The Alpha put me inside the car before getting himself in. He had a satisfied expression over his face. A part of me was relieved too.

"Oh, kitten, you haven't even taken drugs?" He asked, gathering up his laughter and mocking me. "I had spent most of my teen years on cloud nine."

I shied away from his taunting eyes and turned my head towards the buildings that crossed by. There were drugs sold around everywhere, werewolf drugs that were heard to do magical things to one's soul but I never got time to do any of them nor I was interested in reaching cloud nine.

I was perfectly fine where I was.

"Maybe I'll try a few soon." I replied.

"Oh, no, you aren't doing anything anytime soon." His expression turned stiff when I spoke back with the same energy he used to mock me.

I giggled, "I'm joking." There was a different kind of fun in teasing the Alpha and watching him grow serious.

We reached the pack house quick. The Alpha pulled over at the side of the driveway with no intentions of getting out.

"You should go get ready for your school and there's a copy of the agreement in my office, so you can take that as well. Though, I've added another clause in it. You shouldn't have any sort of problem with it." He explained.

"You aren't coming in?" I asked, undoing my seatbelt.

"No. I've work."

I nodded quietly and stepped out. A moment after, the Alpha drove away from the house and I went in there alone. My head dashed around, looking for a soul. At this time of the day, even the omegas were gone but the guards were still lingering around the house, for safekeeping.

After removing my coat, I went up the stairs and straight to the Alpha's office that was open. The scent of his wolf surrounded me and I took a sharp inhale of it. It was desiring. It made me imagine his mouth set on mine and his length motioning toward my opening.

I had strong, filthy desires against the Alpha and it wasn't just since the agreement. It was long before that. I had came off to his name a thousand times.

My shoes clacked against the wooden flooring as I went in and reached his table. My gaze fell upon the agreement that I had signed earlier.

Picking it up, I turned to the last page where I found the new clause he had written down.

It basically said that he wouldn't be perceived as mine and I wouldn't be perceived as his in the public, when the rumors would turn into the truth.

It frightened me sometimes, knowing that one day, everyone would learn the truth about me—how I gave the Alpha a child and never took his mark.

A shiver crossed my spine and I shrugged off the feeling before turning the pages over the other one.

As I was about to leave, a thought crossed my mind and I froze on my steps. I swirled around and hurried back to the desk to ruffle through all the papers set on it.

This was my only chance.

When I found the list of wolves attending the party, I pulled it out and began snapping photos of it. It was a long list, longer than I had expected. Most of the town was invited, a few old wolves were left out but everyone else was coming.

I took more pictures and forwarded them all to Mom without a single thought. I didn't catch a breath until I was done with sending all the names.

When I was done, I placed the papers back on their original position, set everything else up and only then left the Alpha's office. A strange guilt followed me as if I had done a sin, as if I had broken a rule.

Either way, it was too late.

The omegas only wanted to poison a few people, a few random wolves to test out their plan. No one was going to get hurt—or I thought so.

I wandered around the empty house for the next few minutes with no intentions of going to school anytime soon. When I reached the Alpha's room, I allowed myself in and strolled inside.

His bed was made and the room wasn't reeking of a female for the first time ever. I didn't expect him to stop boning other female wolves anytime soon but it caught me off surprise. Was he not sleeping with anyone else?

As a sneaky person I always was, I went through his drawers, finding nothing except a whole bunch of condoms and a lost and found drawers of lingerie's. I was curious to where he kept his personal items, his personal stuff or whether he had a diary or something but I didn't find anything.

"What are you doing here, kitten?"

My heart almost leapt out of my throat and I jumped when I heard his voice. The hair over my skin rose as I turned around slowly. "Nothing...just finding my underwear."

The Alpha pulled himself away from the wall near the door and hovered over me. His hand snaked over the back of my head before gripping a fistful of my hair. I smelled my own fear, all across the room.

"Don't lie to me and don't snoop around. You aren't going to find anything." He spoke as if he knew something—like I was up to something. I was simply curious.

"I am not looking for anything." My voice turned hoarse and I gasped as his grip tightened around my hair.

"Don't make me punish you."

"I'm sorry."

"Go to school. I need the house empty." He released me from his grip and moved back.

I took a breath before running off out of his room and then the house.

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