Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

I wasn't surprised hearing Ronald's offer. Men in power were a different breed, especially Alpha's. If he had asked me several months ago, as usual, I would've taken it, without a thought but it was too late now. I had changed and parted ways from my selfish, bratty self. I was committed to Wayne in every way and form, even without my declaration of love.

"You wish," I laughed, shaking my head. "You're a bag of filth, Ronald, filled with disgust and shit and the only time I'd ever get near you is when I will kill you." I spun around and slightly leaned my back over the table while still holding the phone to my ears. "At first, I thought I could convince you by apologizing and making amends, but I think it would be much better if I threaten you." My nerves sang along with me, throbbing with every word that left my mouth.

"You hold no ground in that pack or that land. What makes you think you can do anything? You're just a whore being sold, passed on and used." Ronald replied.

"This is my pack and my land." I stated, my voice sharp. "So, come on, show me what you have, and I'll show you how a female wolf with no power can bring down and destroy your entire pack for generations."

I moved the phone away from my ears when I heard complete silence on the other end. It drove Ronald confused and wordless. Just as I wanted. Closing my phone, I slid it over the desk and arched my back. Numerous thoughts ran through my mind.

If there was one thing, I learned from my family was scheming.

And I knew what exactly needed to be done with Ronald and his pack.

A lesson.

A scheme.

It took me a while to come up with it, but I did and when I did, I kept it to myself for as long as I could. Trusting anyone anymore was hard, just as Wayne said and in order for me to proceed with the plan, I needed someone from the pack, someone who was trustworthy and possessed great knowledge of wolves.

I stayed seated on Wayne's office chair and rolled in circles while my eyes remained shut. When I heard a lock click, my eyes widened open, and I found Nora entering the room with a tray of food in her hold.

"Nora..." I rubbed my forehead. "I'm not hungry."

"I've orders to feed you." She replied, placing the food on the table in front of me. "And you have to feed yourself. You're not just eating for yourself but also for your child. A lot of stress isn't good for you either."

"You have never been pregnant before!" I exclaimed, grabbing the fork. When I got no response, I clicked my head to her and cocked a brow, "Have you?"

"I've been but that's none of your business." She lowered her eyes and filled up the glass with water for me.

"You have?" I was shocked.

"Yes, I have."

"But I thought you didn't have any children nor any family. Isn't that the reason why you're still here, working for the Alpha?" I had a sudden urge to learn about the woman that had been working in this house for decades. She wasn't just the head of the staff to me when I worked with her, she acted like a mother and cared for all of us as if we were her children.

"Clara. Focus on yourself and less on me." She gave a pat over my shoulder before strolling away.

While chewing on my food, I sighed and said, "One day I'll learn all your secrets, Nora!"

One day.

None of us knew anything about her—where she came from, who her mate was, who were her children's, where her family was—nothing.

It was intriguing.

The food she prepared for me went straight to my belly and disappeared from the tray in less than a minute. While eating, I went through the files of the wolves in the pack, studying them all and finding the right one to trust. Whilst going through the files, I came in contact with a few other of them.

The treaty between omegas.

A treaty was signed by Wayne and the other omegas to lower down the protest and the attacks they did years ago. Wayne had offered them land, jobs and even houses in certain locations. There was a law passed as well to bring an end to the mistreatment of omegas.

When I lowered my eyes on the papers to find who was the omega who had signed them, I found my mother's name and her signature.

She actually ruled the omegas.

I sighed and placed the files back into their places. The next hour passed by in a blur but the blur came to an end when my phone rang. Upon looking at the screen, I found an unknown caller calling me.

Keeping my gaze on the phone as it continued to ring was one to run from the idea that it was Mom reaching to me. Could it be her? What if it was not? It had to be her.

I picked up the call and sorrow struck me when I heard her voice. "Clara—"

"Why are you calling me?" My back straightened and I pushed my shoulders up. "Haven't you done enough damage? You disgust me, Mom." Eyes teared at the thought of what she had done to ruin my life—everything. She killed my dad, she almost had me killed, she used me for her schemes, she poisoned innocent wolves and even after all that, she went ahead and poisoned my mate in pure ignorance and revenge.

Everything about her was cruel.

"He had it coming."

"Where are you?" I gritted my teeth.

"Far away from you and your Alpha. I don't want to be anywhere near that town and the last thing I wanted to do before leaving was to avenge my daughter. I'll keep my word and I'll never return. You can live on with your life." She replied.

I frowned and stiffened more. "Wayne had never done anything to me! You didn't have to ruin the only thing that made me happy, Mom." It was inhumane and it was hard to believe that my own mother had done it.

And for what?


"I'm not talking about you, Clara."

My heart stopped racing, "What?"

"Wayne took everything away from me. At first, it was his father, and then it was him. They left us—omegas—with nothing. We were treated poorly and when I stepped up, your father was killed. I stayed silent for months and when I stepped again, my daughter was murdered." She explained hurriedly.

An ache gripped my head as if a rubber band had been snapped against it. "What? Who are you talking about? I'm your only daughter." I grew confused.

"After her death, I swore on avenging her and Wayne will meet with his doom soon enough." She ignored my questions and anger vibrated in her voice.

"Mom. Who are you talking about?"

"Oh, you think he loves you? No, Clara, he doesn't. He just sees your sister in you and once you realize that you'll be running for the hills."

My breath caught in my throat and the call came to an end after Mom cut it off. What had just happened? I re-dialed the number she called me from, but it was a dead end. My fingers trembled with a chilly fear. I tried to put the pieces together but there weren't many of them.

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