Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

"Wayne." I called out his name while every nerve in my body was on the verge of flinching if he snapped at me. I had promised to take care of his pack for as long as he was sick, and he had given me the opportunity with full faith. I couldn't do it. All I had to do was keep Ronald from battling with us. I thought I could, I thought whatever I was doing was working out, but it wasn't.

Wayne turned, glowering at me while still trying to stay in his control. Fine lines spread through his face, deepening with concern. When his eyes clicked to me, I shuddered upon finding him angry. His anger barely ever surfaced. I thought it wasn't even there to begin with.

"I'm sor—"

"It's not your fault, Clara." He pulled my arms forward and held my hands in his. "It's no one's fault. This was schemed to happen. Your mother couldn't provide the poison to Ronald, but she definitely tipped him off about poisoning me at the perfect time where he could attack my pack and take me down at once." He explained, making complete sense.

Why, mother?

There wasn't enough hatred in my heart for her. It kept growing and growing to the point where I felt like ending her for once and for all. The things she had done, the people she had killed and injured, and the families she ruined—she deserved a painful life, and I was going to make sure of that.

"Let me handle this!" I exclaimed as I braced myself to my quick thoughts and suggestions that appeared in my head. I was her daughter, and I could be just like her when needed.

"No," He grabbed my hips. "You're not going anywhere near this. I don't want any harm coming to you. You have done enough and I'm grateful for that, Clara, I really am." He pressed his fingertips into my flesh, hoping it would make me listen to him.

But I was a brat.

"You're welcome but this is my mess and I know how to deal with it. Trust me." I pressed myself against his hard thighs, standing close till where our breaths fought for uncaged dominance.

We were two different breeds of wolves, mated to one and another. Our egos were unmatched and wounded at the same time. And we bought fought for raw control. Our bond was an act of nature, bringing us together. I fell onto him when needed and he fell onto me when needed.

My pulse was loud in my ears. My heart raced and throbbed in my chest. The words I had fought to once say came out loud and clear. "I love you, Wayne."

The evident worry vanished off his face. His eyes widened and gleamed a little at my declaration of love. "You do?"

"I do." I nodded. "But you have to trust me on this one. I know how to deal with it and I'm the only one that can do so. These rogues aren't going to leave you behind unless they know the truth." I didn't give him much to suspect or concern about, instead, I took the stress of shoulders. "One more chance?"

"And if you get hurt?" His hands clenched around my hips. "None of them are going to live to see another day." He was all ferocity and dominant and I loved every bit of it.

I smiled, "Okay."

The tension coiled inside me loosened where he moved his hands away from my hips and freed me. It showed he trusted and loved me enough to let me fight his battle for him. Deep down, I felt complete as if it was only Wayne that needed to enter my life. He took my worries, gave me some more, and then took them away.

What else did I ever wish for?

Wayne pulled out his phone again. He held my wrist, not allowing me to leave right away. He placed the phone against his ears and said, "Get me the strongest ones at the house. I need them to escort my mate to the rogues without any harm."


I opened my mouth to interrupt but a hand came over my lips. "I know you don't want anyone but this for the peace of my mind. If I were doing any better, I would've come with you. And if something does happen, I'll be right behind you." He said, locking his hands with mine.

"I promise I'll be fine." I reassured him but I could still see his thoughts racing and his heartbeat quickening. His eyes were brimming with worry for me, and it was understandable. I couldn't stop him. All I could do was take away his worries by making him win.

And I was going to.

A group of eight warriors arrived at the front door only a few minutes after the order was given in. I changed up quickly, wearing something comfortable before heading out with Wayne to my side. He seemed tired than ever. As much as I wanted to tuck him under the sheets, I knew he wasn't going to rest until I was going to return so instead, I gave him a time.

Four hours from now.

Two hours after the crack of dawn and if I didn't return, he could come and take me from wherever I was or whatever I was doing, and I wouldn't utter a single word.

"Four hours?" He questioned, holding my face in his hands.

"Four hours."

Relief bloomed on his face when he kissed me, but it only lasted for a second until I got inside the car with his warriors. As the car left the driveway, I found him getting tensed under the moonlight and at that moment, I begged the moon for his heath and for his condition to get better.

I breathed out a long sigh and waited for the warriors to take me to where the rogues were. It was rare for rogues to stroll in packs but under circumstances such as wars, they did regroup, even the loneliest ones, and fought with whatever they had.

All that needed to be done was to find the group and tell them the truth.

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