Chapter 25

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A few students caught a glimpse of me as I walked out of the school under the Alpha's commands. It was a shameful sight. Senses returned, and stupidity left me. I felt ashamed and dumb for my actions. The anger boiling up inside me took over and forced me to do things I didn't want to do.

I wasn't feeling remorseful for beating up Brian but somewhat disappointed at myself for letting my mouth run wild in front of him. Once he would be awakened, it would only take a moment for him to figure out the truth and tell the Alpha.

Something I didn't want.

So, I prayed he wouldn't wake up. I did leave him in a miserable state where he was barely able to even move. Talking was far away from what he was going to do.

I ended up back in the house soon. The cold walk back from school gave me a moment to get control of myself. The grudge I held against Brian was gone. I had taken my revenge for what he did years ago and left him in the same state as he did. We were equal now, and I didn't want to do anything more—unless he'd try something next.

Which I was in very doubt of.

I knew his wolf was gone, and I mocked him for it. No one had been informed about the recent poisonings or the effects of it upon the sick wolves. I dug my own grave by opening my mouth and using the exact terms no one knew about.

When I returned to the house, I was welcomed by Nora, and before I comprehended it, the truth about everything scattered out of me. I held it inside me for so long, and it was difficult. I was away from Mom, who didn't want me to come to her until necessary, and I had no one else to talk to.

"She made me choose, and I had to choose her, but now, I'm in this mess that I can never fix, and it's just getting worst day by day," I said before holding my palms against my face and burying myself in shame. "I feel as if she is doing the right thing. You would understand, wouldn't you?"

Nora stood by the counter while I was sitting on the ground inside the kitchen where no one's ears were directed towards. She didn't look at me with disgust and it seemed like she wasn't loathing me for what I had become in the past few weeks.

A complete idiot.

"I do understand but what would you or we—omegas become if we treated other wolves the same way as they did? This wouldn't be an accomplishment for omegas. It would be a disaster." Her voice was gentle and strengthened with comfort. She didn't judge me nor ran to call the Alpha. "Omegas cannot rule and eventually things are going to fall apart."

I forced my head up as tears wetted my cheeks. "How am I going to tell that to Mom or the other omegas who are so focused on becoming primal? It wasn't like any of them were treated well and I'm sorry but I feel the same too. We all get used as spawns in any battles and we are constantly ashamed, bullied, and rejected when being an omega isn't our fault."

She moved aside from the counter and bent down on her knees before placing her hand over mine. "But you can be a better person, Clara."

"What if I don't want to be?"

"Then that's your loss but the outcome of this is going to be terrifying and one can only save themself. I'm not going to blame you. You are too young and choices were forced upon you but think wisely." She stopped for a second and then continued. "And be the better one." She gave me a pat over my knee before standing back up upon hearing a noise from the outside.

I quickly rubbed off my tears and stood up from the ground. Nora walked over the wide window inside the kitchen and she looked out. "The Alpha's here. You should go to your room before getting in a quarrel with him." She wavered her hand at me and I left almost immediately.

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