Chapter 30

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Clara's POV

My head ached as I shifted it. The smell of leather was close to my nose and strong. I managed to open my eyes to find myself in a car that flew through empty roads at a speed that was terrifying. My entire body was numb and I was unable to move my hands or legs. I only hand control over the movements of my head and face. My eyes fell after every second that passed by. I took in heavy breaths while trying to regain consciousness.

"Peter, I have a story for you," I heard an evil voice beside me and for a moment, I felt as if I was in a dream but as he continued, I realized I wasn't. "Once upon a time, there was a filthy peasant, desperate for attention and love so she slept with the King and became a princess but a peasant was still a peasant at the end of the day so when she betrayed the King, she was killed." It was Brian, mocking me.

The man in the front laughed out loud. "The princess should've known better." He said, giving his remarks.

A hand slammed against my hair before Brian grabbed a fistful of it and dragged me to himself. "The peasant should've known better than to betray her own King." He lowered his eyes at me before plunging a sharp needle into my skin.

I tried to move my hands and for a second they moved but the ropes around them kept them restrained behind my back. A scream left my lips when I found my voice but it was only heard by me and no one else. Brian tugged on my hair again before pushing me against the window of the speeding car where I lost consciousness once more. The only thing I heard was the laughter of the two men with me before my world blanked out. Everything continued to stay a blur.

It felt like a few hours later before I began moving once more. I made small movements while holding my heavy breath down. Something was wrong. Something evil was happening to me. I had no idea, not even a glimpse of where I was being taken inside the car. It went on for miles and miles. We weren't in the town. I couldn't find any civilization around me but again, it was the midst of the night and my head was heavy.

My head was against the leather seat in the front. I lifted my eyes and peered beyond the windows to find nothing. The car was driving on a road by a massive field that had no end to it. I was filled with terror, my heart rattled inside my chest and my stomach clenched tight.

I didn't let out any sound, knowing Brian was right with me. Where was he even taking me? Who was the other man? What was happening? Why was Brian here? There was only one conclusion I could think of in my current state of mind.

I was being drugged and taken somewhere.

I remembered what was happening before I fell asleep in my room at the house but that was during the broad daylight and as of now, the sky was at its darkest hour.

My fear escalated when a hand reached to my head again and another one wrapping itself around my restrained arm. The hold wasn't rough. It wasn't Brian. It was someone else, someone familiar that made my skin prickle with the slightest touch. I didn't need to see who it was as I already knew.

It was the Alpha.

He pulled me back, towards himself before moving the hair away from my face. Brian wasn't here, he was long gone as I couldn't smell him anymore. But the Alpha—he was here, in the car, making everything much more startling for me.

"Oh, kitten, I would've drugged you again but we are close so that wasn't needed anymore." He moved me closer to him while his hand settled over my hips and the other one across my hair.

I pressed my head against his lap while lying on my back and struggling with the ropes eating the flesh of my wrists. "Please, let me go." I whimpered, squirming around and trying to break free from whatever was happening. Fear pulsed within me. It was a new one. When I raised my head and looked into his eyes, I found mischief and temper in them. It forced me to make sense of things. "I didn't do anything."

"You wouldn't be here if you didn't do anything." He looked out of the window while caressing my hair. "You did something very bad, kitten and you're going to get punished for it whether you want to or not."

"No," I cracked out while shaking my head. "I didn't do anything." I stared at him, realizing he had learned what I had been trying to hide from him. But how? "I'm sorry."

"Shush," He narrowed his eyes to me. "There is nothing you can say or do to stop what's going to happen to you. You reap what you sow and you sowed your fate when you decided to work against me." His warm hand molded my face as he spoke.

My gut tightened with painful knots and a tear slipped down my cheeks. The hair over my skin rose. I filled my lungs up and took a heavy breath. It was happening. I dreaded it and it was happening in front of me. The Alpha knew about the omegas and the part I had gracefully taken in bringing the pack down.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Solitary—where you'll stay until I've chosen the perfect way to ended you." He replied, without a single emotion in his tone.

I wasn't sure whether it was the fear or the shock of hearing him or the drugs in my body but as soon as I swallowed his words, I went swooning.

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