Chapter 33

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A fine mist covered the starry sky. The lights of the house illuminated the darkness. Unfortunately, that was all I could see as the acres around the house were covered in trees and it wasn't possible for anyone to look beyond and into the town. It was quiet. No sound, not even of those several cars that used to pass by at midnight—when dropping off the wolves at the house.

There wasn't a single day the walls of the house had ever heard silence. But tonight they did and so did I.

I dipped my head deep into the pillows of my bed and shut my eyes tight. It had been hours since I saw Nora and cried to her. I believed she was thinking about the fool I had become. She warned me and advised me—I resented, doing the complete opposite.

Instead of dwelling into the past any longer, I searched for some sleep and found it at last. It was running away from me but prowled around it and I grabbed it as soon as I could.

Hours later, I scowled at the sun and its light that forced me up. An odor reached my nostrils and I gagged. The scent reminded me of something. It took a while but my mind clicked to it.

It was the scent of blood rotting and a body turning cold.

A shadowy figure flashed through the open door—one I had remembered to close before falling asleep. I jolted up as my heart raced and took a large step towards the door. The sound of heavy steps rang in my ears but soon, they began disappearing away.

"Who's there?" I asked, clutching onto the door while poking my head out. My head wasn't in the right place and someone was troubling me.

A laugh echoed from down the stairs. It was familiar, belonging to my Dad. I remembered it as soon as I heard it since I spent a lot of months with my parents at the hills when I was a child and it was his laughter that woke me up every morning.

With uncertainty, I took the stairs and headed down. The laughter began fading away soon and by the time I reached the kitchen, it was gone.

"Dad?" I stopped on my tracks upon seeing him. He stood at the end of the kitchen, nearing a backdoor that led outside of the house.

He didn't look at me. He cautiously stepped back. "Don't come near, Clara." He mumbled, his voice full of fear.

Blood slammed through my veins. "What's happening?" I managed to get closer but he pushed me back while lowering his eyes towards the door.

"Don't come near," He repeated. "It's not safe."

The backdoor was closed for several long minutes until it jumped open and a rogue slithered in with saliva dripping from his canines and murder in his eyes. I screamed loud while grabbing a knife from the set that was above the counter. My arm quivered through the air as I held the knife out, ready to take down the rogue.

"Clara, don't." My Dad said, holding his hand out to me while the other one was against the rogue that came in closer contact with him.

"I'll kill him." I replied with an edge in my voice. I had the weapon in my hand and I was close to the rogue. It wasn't hard. His attention was upon Dad. He hadn't preyed over me, yet.

My Dad raised his head before diverting his eyes to me. A lace of disappointment brimmed in his eyes. "You are not a killer," He whispered. "And you'll never be one."

I opened my mouth to reply to him but the rogue jolted in, biting his leg and then snatching him out of the kitchen before I could even think. It happened too quickly. My chest tightened. A scream of horror left my lips before I ran towards the back door.

A hand of reality came down to my wrist. The Alpha sneered before seizing the knife wrapped around my fingers. My lungs squeezed and I gasped before moving back.

"Is isolation making you lose your mind?" He asked.

I blinked a few times before peeking over his shoulder and getting a glance of the backyard where I thought my Dad was snatched by the rogue but there was nothing there. It was empty. There wasn't a single trail of blood nor any sight of my Dad.

"I thought—there was something there." My voice wavered. I struggled to comprehend what was real and what was not. It wasn't a dream. I lowered my eyes to my hands and feet. I was standing inside the kitchen and the knife was in my hands a few seconds ago but none of it was real.

My Dad had died, years ago.

What was happening now?

"Yes, your dignity. I presume you must have lost it outside somewhere." The Alpha moved past me before putting the knife back into the set.


He ignored me and called upon Nora who was nearby. "Get rid of the knives and any other sharp objects. Lock them up for all I care. If I see anything in her hand once more, you'll be paying for it." He threatened her with getting any context.

The context.

I wasn't even sure what I was doing here—chasing my Dad who has been dead?

The Alpha fled out of the kitchen before I even had the chance to say anything. As Nora tucked away the knives, I went out and followed the Alpha. Staying alone was driving me insane and I needed a way to convince him to at least let me out—for anything. I had spent more than two nights without any contact before being bought here.

The Alpha noticed my signal and stopped. "What do you want, Clara?" He huffed in a sleazy breath before turning to me. The tornado of rage was still circling inside him, it appeared bright in his eyes whenever he came in contact with me.

"I'm sorry." I said quickly.

"I told you, I don't care about your apologies." A muscle in his jaw ticked as he approached me.

"I know but is there no way..." I stopped talking when he hovered over me. The heat behind his anger emitted off him and I held my words for a second before continuing. " can forgive me?" My voice quaked as if I wasn't already afraid.

"Forgive you?" He let out a cruel laugh. "You lived in this house and attacked those who lived along with you. You knew everything and not once you dared to slip your knowledge to anyone. There is no way in this life I'll ever forgive you." He snapped as his eyes flared.

"I had to choose my family. You would've harmed them if I told you or anyone."

He cocked a brow and scoffed, "Your family? For fuck's sake, what did those omega's even give you? House? Shelter? Food? Education? Nothing. That's right, they gave you nothing, Clara, not even the least while I provided you with everything and yet, you turned out to be the traitor. You choose to become a sheep for their sacrifice, nothing else."

Loss of words, I silenced down.

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